
Are all HD tv's blu-ray compatible?

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Are all HD tv's blu-ray compatible?




  1. Yes They Are

  2. Yes, as long as they have component or HDMI inputs. HDMI is the copyright protected chosen link, to allow for upscale of standard DVDs on HD DVD, and Blu-Ray players.

    Some HDTVs are 1366x720 native resolution, which is still HD over standard 480 TV, but 1080 lines of resolution on a 1920x1080p TV, will give you the sharpest image possible.

    Good luck! I WAS in the red camp...LOL!

    Many HD players will not upscale, or always output a signal over RGB (component out), to prevent p****y of copyrighted HD material.

  3. Most should work together

    not sure if NTSC / PAL  problem has been sorted out,

    Technology has advanced enough fo any TV or Player to do both

    My PS3 works fine with My HD TV.

    Blu-ray are just players , an input device

    Just like a DVD player or a VHS recorder/player

    Just get one with an HDMI port.  

    Blu-ray should be watched in HD......  HDMI cable is a must

  4. yes any TV is blu-ray compatible it's what blu-ray player you are looking for. look for players that can upgrade thier firmware to newer blu-ray profiles

    the TV best suitable for watching movies is a full HD, are TV's with 1080p and with optional 120hz processing. brands like Sony and samsung have great top of the line LCD and or plasmas if you like.

  5. Yup,just use HDMI cable for maximum A/V Quality.

  6. Yes, blu-ray players plug in and work like any other HD source.

  7. You don't stick the blu-ray disk into the TV dummy, you stick it into a blu-ray player, and the name of it sort of implies compatibility doesn't it???

  8. yes

    because they use a connection called HDMI

    all blu ray players and HDTVs have this

    this is why it is HD

  9. The simple answer is, if it's HD then yes as long as it has some form of HD input, which i think all HD TV's do nowadays.

  10. The key to getting the best signal out of a blu-ray player is to check whether your HD TV has an HDMI cable.  The HDMI cable will allow the best signal to go from the blu-ray player to the HD TV.  Some of the older HD TVs do not have an HDMI cable so the signal from the blu-ray player will not be as good.

  11. the HD TV's are compatible, as long as you have the're fine.

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