If you happen to work there, does your location have a functioning sink in the kitchen to wash your hands per the food safety laws as set up by the health dept? I'm curious if I experienced a fluke awhile back or are all of the locations like that. What happened to me was I was hired for a cashier position and was immediately put to work as a food prep/busser, etc and they didn't have a sink anywhere in the building to wash your hands. And people were doing everything from carrying trash bags to preparing food. The sink they did have for dishwashing looked like a toxic waste dump and there wasn't even any dishwasher on site, much less running water to clean anything. I couldn't believe that was going on and the place even got an excellent review from the health dept which I thought was total BS. I never went back and was told by acquaintances who ate there regularly but never set foot behind the counter that I was lying. This was not in a dumpy town either.