
Are all McDonalds, contractually/legally required to provide a paying customer+dining in with free refills?

by  |  earlier

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If they are not, then why? If so, how can an individual prove this to the McDonalds? This includes both franchise and company owned establishments. Additionally, if yes, is it part of the franchise agreement?




  1. I've never heard of McDonalds doing that, in the UK at least. A 'free refill' is just that anyway - free. What makes you think that you're entitled to anything for free these days?

    Edit: This is Yahoo! Answers, but if it's specific legalities you're after, Google is your friend. By coming onto Y!A, you're asking people questions - not necessarily McDonalds legal representatives. Especially in the case of legal matters, it's all down to human interpretation and advice. That's why Y!A exists, rather than for anoymous people to do Google searches for people who can't be bothered to do so themselves.

    My advice is as above. Regardless of the legal obligations (for someone to be contractually obliged to do something, a contract must be in place, and I'm assuming you didn't sign one when buying a drink), it's my opinion that the morality of the situation overrides it. You asked for something free, were denied, and are now having a bit of a fit about it and wondering if you can sue them. Get a grip on reality and if you're thirsty, buy another drink.

  2. um, why should they?  i'm sorry, is there something about refills that i don't know?  it's not a God-given right or anything.  i think they might have implemented some policy on it for coffee or something?  it certainly might vary from franchise to franchise.  is it really a big deal?

  3. usually there is a sign.

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