
Are all Penguins fans nut polishers or is it just this year?

by  |  earlier

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  1. What game were you watching?

    Go Pens!

  2. from what I know, the Pittsburgh Penguins are a great team.

  3. we may suck...but we will be sucking in the finals...go pens...

  4. You dream about sucking their nuts.

    Who are the Penguings?

  5. quit being such a sore loser and admit that the pens outplayed the flyers in 4 of the 5 games..

  6. your just bitter because philly was outplayed.

    penss are amazing!!

  7. thats a really great ?

  8. dude the only time the penguins suck is on opposite day.

  9. nut polisher=best job you have the experience for it?

  10. yes you are

    P.S dont be such a loser

  11. ur just mad you lost

  12. LOL.  Wow, sore loser, huh?  Pens win, Cryers suck and will always suck.

  13. Uh-oh, somebody needs a timeout.

  14. Sore loser much?

    Grow up....

    Grow some nuts of your own....

    Enjoy the off

    Let's Go Pens!!!!


    lol so does every team other than NJ

    o well, time for mets-yankees

  16. STFU!

  17. Talk all you want.

    Enjoy the golf course.

  18. Most Flyers' fans have class, you don't. It's only a game, no one died.

  19. Stop being a sore loser, most people here had the decency to not insult other fans/ teams when theirs was eliminated... come on.

  20. I am a Rangers fans and was hoping the Flyers would win, but will give congrats to the Pens.  They played a good series.  Now it's onto the Giants!

  21. Whats a Penguing?  Dude don't be mad that the Pens dominated the Flyers. I mean come on they only lost 2 playoff games this year. The Flyers gave it a good run,but just fell short.

    I must say I was very impressed that the Flyers didn't try and take any cheap shots against the Pens once the game was out of hand.


  22. What are you an Ottawa fan? Ranger fan?....Oh, are you a Flyer fan that just had his hopes crushed?

    I'm sorry to say, sir.....but you can talk all you want, but I'm ready. =b (Hopefully the team is ready too)

  23. wtf are penguings? OHH. you mean the Penguins. it seems like someone is being bitter that their team lost. the least you could do is at least have some descency, if not respect for Pittsburgh & their fans.

  24. dont say that man everyone has their own opinion exactly how i felt when montreal lost but still give some respect to the pther team or fans around here

  25. I don't care, my team is going to the finals.

    And like it or not, this is great for the NHL right now.


  26. wow this is pretty low of you! and learn how to spell Penguins!! they played awesome this year and they always will in my eyes.

  27. Yup. They have the cleanest nuts in hockey. They don't suck. They won. It is time to congratulate them and be an adult

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