
Are all Reps Jobless and Live off welfare?

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Do you think most Reps are useless.

Is all Dems have no jobs and live off welfare?

In Elections - Asked by Teener501 - 0 answers - 2 minutes ago. this was deleted So I am testing the Waters.




  1. No, I am a Rep an work my butt off to support people of both parties who live off welfare.

  2. Most Reps and Dems have a job.  Under Clinton many had two or three jobs just to make ends meet.  Under Bush only one job until Congress became overrun by Democrats and now people are having to find second and third jobs again.

  3. Geezzzz, the grammar?

    That's why it was deleted.

  4. LOL, that s not true. Most Reps are protecting the top 3% and the Dems are protecting the bottom 97%. So, there s a big contrast.

  5. Yes, they quit (HOME) school at an early age.

  6. Eve, shut up.

    Homeschooling isn't bad, homeschoolers are smarter...

  7. I think people that ask questions like this are probably jobless and live off welfare.

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