
Are all South American countries poor?

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Also could you recommend/pick a country I should choose to voulenteer with children in?




  1. of course not

    there are some industrializaded countries like colombia, Brazil, argentina and chile

    the only poor countries are peru and Bolivia

  2. No. Tremendous wealth in the upper 10% of most SA countries. I say Guatemala or Nicaragua to help, but Every SA. CA country has poor children who could use a friendly face.

  3. No, but all countries in the world do have a percentage of people living in poverty.

    The majority, not all, of the countries in Latin America are "Developing nations/countries". Countries that have more advanced economies than other developing nations, but still have not fully demonstrated the signs of a developed country, are grouped under the term newly industrialized countries. There are only two "Newly Industrialized" countries in Latin America, they are Brazil and Mexico. However, there are other countries in Latin America with very strong economies such as Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia. The only "Least Developed Country" (or "Fourth World" country) in Latin America (and the Americas is general) is Haiti.

    So, you can volunteer in whichever country you want, since there are children living in poverty in all countries around the world.

  4. Poor is a relative term. Poor as compared to North America yes. Poor as compared to Africa no.

    More affluent South American Countries are: Argentina and Brazil.

    Less affluent South American Countries are: Bolivia and Guyana.

  5. Latin America is very rich in natural resources, industrialization is another thing, therefore the growth and spread of capitalism. Many people are rich in southamerica, yet most dont have a real chance to become wealthy despite their potential. Countries like Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, etc have developed higher standards, even though poverty is still significant. Other countries like Bolivia, Guayana, Paraguay, etc. have more people poor and corrupt goverments. Countries are not poor, people are, and together with opportunity and education they can make a government reflex success or failure.

    Check out this forum!

  6. Talking about economy, I say you many countries is poor, but there rich countries here like BRAZIL, ARGENTINA and CHILE.

    In Argentina and Chile people don't live so blad.

    In BRAZIL many people live live well and many very badly. Brasil have got too much industries, is modern country like Canada, but many people have no money, no food.

    I think, you sould work as volunteers in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru cause the population is poorer, however there are rich nature.

    I have visited Peru. Bolivia and Chile, and I saw many people are poor in Peruvian and Bolivian villages.

    Good luck

  7. There are hot spots down there. Brazil has some booming industrial stuff going on.

  8. of course no, is big mistake that most people believe, and by the way Peru or Bolivia poor, is you go to this countries you;ll find put that they have exactly the same thing that you find here, yest is a big part of the population that is poor, but in the main cities you'll find everything you need.

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