
Are all actions governed by selfish motives?

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I'm growing a little disillusioned of society (which is a problem considering I'm only 16) and was wondering what everyone thought about this. It seems like caring about people and selfless actions are dead. Do you think that people do what they do at least partially because it will help themselves in the long run?




  1. I'm 40, and I totally agree. Even charitable acts give the giver the warm fuzzies, so it's not completely selfless.

  2. Absolutely NOT!

    Think about firefighters.  They battle blazes to save lives and property and it is dangerous work!! Do they do this for selfish reasons? NO.

    They do it because they want to help people.  They want to do something good with their lives.

    Many times, firefighter/paramedics save people's lives who are having a heart attack, or some other medical emergency, and get there much faster than an ambulance.

    Law enforcement officers, too.  They enforce the laws that are there to protect society.  They put themselves in harm's way, to keep the peace, and get the bad guys off the streets.

    How about nurses?  They are the caretakers of those in hospitals, who at the time cannot take care of themselves.  They are underpaid.  The give loving care to total strangers, and all because they want to do something good with their lives.

    Honey, you need to go to the fire station, and talk with some of the men and women who are serving your community.  That experience will change your mind 180 degrees!!

  3. Yes.  People only do what they feel they need to do, or what they can get out of it.

    Even 'good' people who do seemingly selfless acts, do it for a reason.  The top two are they will be happy in the afterlife with their made up god figure or they will get good deeds done to them in return.  At the very least they want people to go all 'awww' they helped people.

  4. wow i have always tried to explain that to people but no1 seems to get it. it seems to me that whenever someone does somthing it is just to somhow benifit themselfs or get satisfaction. even i believe that giving to charity is an act to maybe cover up a feeling of guilt or even to make themselfs look a certain way so others will then like them. I am certain that almost all of our actions are selfish at the core. it is only society's laws that limit these acts

  5. I have this theory, and yes it does agree with your theory, however... there is an exception, I theorize that helping someone or people can actually be of selfish gratification, these types of people are somewhat rare, but they actually exist. But you are right that there are many who claim to be selfless, but only do so to gain something themselves, at the least a very good reputation.

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