
Are all africans illegal in the uk? for eg jamacians? if they are legal then how long do they have to be here?

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before they are legal and whats the route for them to become legal? can they come to this country legally? if so for how long until they are not legal? if they come here illegally, how do they get in the uk? is it something to do with a visa? how long would the visa be valid for?




  1. As already asked ... why do you think all immigrants are illegal? ... an immigrant (to any country) is someone who comes into that country with the intention of staying there to live. Those that do this come from all over the world - not just Africa.

    A potted history lesson here makes things clearer: There are some whose country previously belonged to what was known as the British Empire, like Africa but also countries like those of the West Indies, India, Malaya and others, ruled by Queen Victoria (as pointed out by Grainovtruth) ... but there came a time when the governments and people of those countries decided to split from Great Britain (now the United Kingdom), they wanted to rule themselves and not have rules and laws given and run by Great Britain, they then became what is known as Independant.... the people of those countries were at that time given a choice to become Citizens of their own country only or remain British citizens (sort of half and half with their country) you may find that many of the people that come to this country - be they black or white or brown - have a right to be here - as British Citizens..... that makes it legal for them to come to England .....

    Your next questions relate to illegal immigrants - those people who come here without legal permission to come to stay and live.... some can start as either coming on a Visitors Visa, or with a Work Permit or as students with a Student Visa - all of which are legal ways of getting into the UK..... those people are allowed to come to the UK (England) for the purposes of visiting, working or studying - their visas have a time limit on them and they are supposed to go home at the end of it.... it's when they stay after their time limit has run out that they then become illegal......

    The next and last type of the people are those who smuggle themselves in through illegal (non-legal) ways such as paying to hide in the back of lorries, pay someone to pretend they are related or married to them, pay someone to carry them to England via sea travel, hide in the cargo hold of ships and planes, pay to get themselves shipped over in crates pretending they were cargo - there are many ingenious ways these people think up... and these people are absolutely illegal - they have no right to come to this country - they are not visitors, workers or students...  they want what they feel is a better (cheap or free) life - our benefits and social security system...

    If someone wants to emigrate to the UK (legally) then they have to apply for that and they have to say why they want to come to the UK in the first place - could be all their family is here, could be they are escaping the threat of death in their own country - whatever the reason the authorities have to be able to view it as reasonable, and that that person is worthwhile ... someone with a criminal record would not stand a chance (saying that though, the UK government doesn't seem to recognise many if any crimes committed abroad - only those committed in the UK) .. and it can take a long time while the authorities do all their checks and get all the confirmations they need from the different authorities .... It may be that they may not allow a person to immigrate immediately, they may only allow them a short-time visa as a start and then they have to go home while the authorities do more checks .... it can take a long time, and can be expensive, to do things legally .... that's why there are so many illegal immigrants and more wanting to come to the UK that have no other way of entering this country, every day .....

    NB  You may also find there are some people who were born in the UK - that makes them legal .... but their parents were illegal immigrants in the first place .... then there is a problem because it is likely the parents could/would be deported back to their own country while the children would be allowed to stay as British Citizens .....

  2. As stated, Jamaicans are not Africans.   What makes you think that they are illegal in the UK.   The Brits. (in their heyday)claimed territories all over the world for the Queen(or King).  India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, (many other parts which you can Google).  Now, the reason you don't see many Africans in Britain - could it be because where they come from it is hot and sunny and dry while in London it is cold cloudy and rainy?  

  3. jamaicans aren't african.

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