
Are all anti feminists guilty of projecting their own faults, and actions onto feminists?

by  |  earlier

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Example "Feminists resort to petty insults, blocking, and the report button."




  1. Probably not *all* of them.

  2. faults? what faults? I do not know the meaning of this word " faults"

    could you please explain?

  3. Not all -but quite a few anti-feminists do what they complain feminists supposedly do:

    Supposedly feminists hate men-but these anti-feminist groups sure are doing a good job at talking about how much they despise women:

    Supposedly feminists are against marriage and promote divorce but these anti-feminists openly state their dislike of marriage and their promotion of divorce:

    Supposedly anti-feminists are just against feminism; but don't actually dislike feminists-but these anti-feminist groups sure sound like they don't like feminists very much:

    Sure seems like some anti-feminists are doing exactly what they accuse feminists of..and some are very angry-just like feminists are suppose to be...

  4. I think you may be proving the point of your example right now.  Generalizing some group as projecting seems like a petty insult to me.

    Edit: Do you really live your life according to what anti-feminists believe?  That says a lot.

    Edit 2: Let me use a more extreme example, Marc Lepine was an anti-feminist...should you go into a school and kill a bunch of men while complaining about anti-feminism just because he killed women?  Or are things that are wrong simply wrong regardless of who does them?

  5. No. Don't generalize.

  6. Not their faults, just their fears.

  7. I don't have any faults, so when I'm telling you something is wrong that is because it is wrong! and I never report or block anyone. The only reason I pointed out that spelling mistake was because I have seen you do it. :-D

    johno - 1

    666666z - 0

  8. The trolls are not socially mature enough for democratic fairness.  They are pre-traditional in social consciousness, literally incompetent in democratic / pluralistic social skills. They seldom show honor openly so why would you expect them to show honor behind the scene?  For example, most of the questions or answers with Flyinghorse's link for the girleffect video have been reported and deleted.  And, Flyinghorse is one of this community's most highly respected participants.  But, that doesn't matter to the trolls who respect NO WOMAN no matter how fair or honorable she is.

    That is how they "support" freedom of speech.  They don't even know what that means and the majority of them or so poorly educated they don't even know in which legal U.S. document that freedom is stated.   It's a character disease, their hatred and disrespect and dishonorable behaviors toward other participants in this community, their arrogant vandalism of this site when they learn there are community guidelines to follow, their pseudoreasoning and lack of good intentions for anyone other than themselves, their uselessness in consensus building, their lack of honorable leadership and their deliberate confusion of gonadal gender courtship male sexual Master / Slave expectations with equal rights.

    If nothing else, women passing through here see loud and clear the truer nature of many men's hearts and will come to vote more realistically without so much "given" respect for men as leaders and will vote less blindly and automatically in favor of men in political and economic matters.  That is good.  Too many women still automatically sexistly believe in men, that they will  "lead" us somewhere good.  It's wisdom-building to learn otherwise. The wisdom women gain here in that regard will help them and society to build a better world.

  9. The vast majority, yes. All these actions and many more, such as asking questions of feminists and then accusing all of them of lying. Also completely playing the victim and making stuff up e.g. one anti-fem said in a post recently that a feminist had called him evil and bigoted and sexist in her answer. She had done no such thing and he had just made the whole thing up.


    I see your other question has just been deleted. Looks like the anti-feminists / misogynists have been resorting to the report button! :-) Lol.

  10. Hardly all of them, but definitely quite a few.

  11. Hmm...that's funny, because I answered a question a few months ago from the guy you linked me to. I suggested he do some reading on feminism (much like he suggests all the time, with his provided links, etc.) and he blocked me saying that I resorted to petty insults and that I reported him. He then emailed me an insulting email, saying that there were no intellectual women - ever (according to him).

    He has 3 or more accounts on here, and he's actually the one who can't handle other viewpoints. While I won't say that all anti feminists project anything similar, I would say this guy you linked to is definitely one who can't handle another viewpoint. Plus, what kind of tool has enough time to create and maintain 3 accounts to suit his needs for supporting his own personal opinion?

    *waits for insulting email from 4th account...*

    Edit: *sigh*...I don't mean the ego guy or whatever, I meant the guy who asked the question to begin with

  12. I think anti-feminists do way more insulting then feminists.

    There has been anti-feminists who have said things like,"Hairy, man-hating lesbians".

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