
Are all belligerent Republicans really at war against democracy?

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Limbaugh, Hannity, Yahoo posters.......

Are they not really already AT WAR against democracy and just want to have a one party dictatorship?

Why don't they just come right out and admit the truth? Are they too chicken?




  1. Look, they will say liberals are the same way, but its not true. Repubicans always dish the insults and liberals are always on the defense!

  2. I am not a Republican, but I am here to give you a civics 101 lesson. The United States of America is NOT a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.There is a big difference between the two. I would recommend that you educate yourself, and come back when you do.

  3. Bill O'riley.. this guy regularly yells at his guest if the conversation is not going his way. Look at him and that lawyer Gloria Allred they never let anyone else talk.

  4. The Republicans are (oh and sane people) are at war against the war on democracy by the socialist Democrats. You may want to review cities controlled by liberals and see it is they who want to control every aspect of your life unless it has to do with drugs or s*x, then it is a free for all.

  5. Can't answer I'm a Republican but not a belligerent Republican so can't help you.  But I would if I could.

  6. I am sure they look at it as passionate.  I do wish it was not so propaganda like.

  7. The Republican Party has caved into the extreme right and they are at war with Democracy for sure.

  8. Democracy yes, not socialism or communism as your savior insists on.

  9. ...and you write this when the Democrats are inching closer and closer to socialism.

    Too funny.

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