
Are all freeways 70 mph?

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Are all freeways 70 mph?




  1. No. IL is 65, KY, TN, GA and FL are all 70. That's the only ones I know!

  2. No, it depends on what state you are in. Washingtons high speed limit is 75. There are some states who's highest speed limit is 65.

  3. Most freeways in California are 65 mph, except the rural ones.

  4. No, it's up to the states to decide and not all states have chosen 70 mph.

  5. i don't think so..

  6. No. Driving through Phoenix, for example,  I believe they drop you down to 65, then 55 for a stretch.

  7. most of the time, depending where you are and what time of day. when its night, it's lowered by at least 5-10 miles

  8. It all depends on where you are, and not all states call them "freeways". There's parkways, highways, and expressways. On most "highways" or "freeways" it's dependent on each state to regulate speed limits. In New Jersey some places let you drive at 65 or 70. In New York State, the speed limit is 55, but in some place Upstate you could drive more than that. In New York City, it's 30, on highways, it varies, usually 40 and up. On a specific parkway, up to a certain point it's 40, then at another point it increases to 50.

  9. Nope.  Most of them in Hawaii are 55, a few are 60.

  10. No.  The last time they had a common speed limit, it was 55.  Be glad you weren't around for that!

    It's all over the map.  San Francisco has 50mph (101) and 65mph (280).  Oakland = 55.  A few California rural interstates = 70.  Michigan=70.

    Texas = 70 daytime, 65 night.

    Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Arizona, New Mexico = 75 mph.  You may think that means everyone drives 90.  Wrong.  They drove 70-80 back when fuel was cheaper, now I bet it's lower.  90% of the drivers are professional long-haul truckers.  Anyway, driving 90 may be fun for a few miles... but it'd just wear you out in these big wide open states.

  11. No, each state sets their own speed limits with some eastern states keeping the lower speed of 55 and others such as Texas boosting their speed limits to 80 mph on long sections of interstates 10 and 20 in the western part of the state. Most have limits of either 70 or 75 on rural interstates.

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