
Are all glycerine soaps biodegradable?

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Economy VS Ecology (or my husband VS myself)...

I recently purchased a bar of glycerine soap because the label said that it is biodegradable. However it cost almost $5/bar. My husband found one of the bars with the price sticker on it and wasn't happy about my eco-purchase when you can buy MULTIPLE bars of "regular" soap for $5. But all the soaps I find online and in the store that say biodegradable on them seem to be more $$$ than those clear bars of soap that I used to get in bath baskets all the time.

Are all glycerine soaps biodegradable? Do I need to be looking for certain ingredients? What other types of soaps are biodegradable?




  1. I think most soaps are biodegradable, if that ingredient come from natural ingredient, natural ingredient is easier to be biodegradable.

    sometime I think eco-purchase is absolutely right, but I don't like business man harness this concept to make  extravagant profits.

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