
Are all hamsters as good as mine?

by Guest64590  |  earlier

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I"m a new hamster owner. I got my first hamster (her name is maddie) in January. I absolutely adore her. She is soo sweet. I'll reach in her cage and wake her up and she won't bite, or even attempt to bite me. She falls asleep in my hand, enjoys being petted, and does not bite. I didn't want a hamster at first, because I heard that hamsters were mean, and would bite a lot. My hamster is so good, that I'm wondering if all hamsters were this nice, or did I just get lucky? lol




  1. Mine is a Syrian too..

    And it's my first too..

    Not as a demon but she doesn't like to be pet, never falls asleep in my hands.. Only to scampering all over my hands and body..

    She did nibbled my ears and I bled..

    But she doesn't bite me a lot.. Just when I disturb her gnawing the cage bars or so..

    Yet, HAMSTERS are such a cute lil' devil...

    I treat her like my baby.. I always sought her with toys..

    And yet, still a devil though..

    I love you SHILOH..


  2. I wish I could pet or hold mine :( they bite and squeak so much I can't go near them.

  3. Sure not much of a question.

    But you did get lucky. Very lucky!

    Have fun!

  4. one word: lucky!

    haha :]

    i don't know.. i've only had dwarf hamsters, and they've always been pretty mean. but i've had friends who have also had dwarf hamsters, and theirs have been more mellow. so, i suppose it just depends on the animal.

    i'd say that you did get lucky though, 'cos she sounds like a sweety!

  5. well my hamster died a few days a go and he was the sweetest little thing in the world. My new hamster is also the sweetest thing. Both of them never bite. But my brothers hamster is viscous. You cant even touch him. He will lie on his back and hiss and bite. I know it sounds weird but its true. But some hamsters are really nice and some are mean. Good luck with her!!

  6. nooo mine is horrible

  7. hahahaha like 7 years ago when i was like 9 i had a hamster, it bit my middle finger where the vein was and i started to bleed a lot. and i cried like a little baby

  8. my syrian is just as sweet =D

    she sounds lovely!

    but I had another that wasnt QUITE as nice, she got nippy if she was sleeping, but other than that very sweet.

    my dwarf hamster is a jerk tho! =P

  9. hmmm well i think it depends how u handle them....

  10. omg sounds totally like my 2  hamsters

    and they both are Syrians

    and i also got them on january and love them to death

    they are awesome pets!!!!!!!

  11. i've had several like yours and i've had many that were demons.

  12. You are very lucky to get such a sweet and adorable hamster. Getting a hamster like that is rare since majority of hamsters have to be tamed and given time to get used to their surroundings and pet owners. She must be a very good pedigree hamster. Hamsters generally tend to be very friendly if they are from good pedigree parents and are used to being handled and cuddled since birth.I wish you loads of fun time with your little hammie.

  13. Haha I used to think the same thing when i had my first hamster! But your right, some hamsters are angels and some are like satan in a cage. Bu you are lucky! take good care of it!

  14. Sounds like one that I used to have. You are very lucky, hamsters like that are kinda rare.

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