
Are all legal guns in the US registered with the ATF?

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so lets say someone buys a gun in georgia legally. someone steals it and it ends up in seattle and the seattle police recover the pistol, will they be able to trace it back to the owner in georgia?




  1. Guns aren't registered to ATF but they have the means to track the guns from manufacture to dealer and then to the first listed owner. After that it is just tracking down who sold the gun to who or if it was stolen etc.

    This has been around for about 8-10 years now and I am sure the database is much larger now than 8 years ago..

    So, technically, the gun is not registered to ATF but ATF has the means to retrieve company records and find out what gun store the particular gun was shipped to and then from that shop to the first purchaser. All firearms after the 1968 Gun Control Act were serial numbered and those numbers available to Police agencies with ATF being the main one to use a comprehensive tracking system.

    Many guns had serial numbers prior to 1968, especially the major manufacturers, but it was not mandated recording by the maker until after that time. Many of those old guns could be tracked also though.

  2. Yes if the owner of the gun reports it stolen to the police. Guns do not need to be registered in most states though. Also guns do not have to be registered with the ATF.

  3. It depends on the state law. Not all states require all types of gun to be registered. But if it is registered, then police can figure it out.

  4. All legal guns are not registered. There is no federal gun registration and there is no gun registration in Washington State. Gun registration is illegal and wrong. Stolen guns, however, are reported in a database so law enforcement can check the serial number to see if the gun is stolen. That is if the owner of the gun reports it stolen and fills out the required paperwork.

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