
Are all men like this? or is it just my husband thinking of s*x every second? watch p**n channels every night?

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we were each others ''puppy love'', together since we were both 18.married for 10 years now.we love each other very much.still this could'nt stop him having an affair . I found out and now its over (not for me though!) he did not deny, did not lie.confessed every detail, answered all my questions. he said it was just s*x. we were tooo young to get involved in a serious relationship and he never had the chance to fool around. I do understand that it must be hard for him listening to his friends' sexual experiences with lots of different women and curiosity was killing him. so he started with professional ladies! and after 5-10 paid s*x experince he came accros with that widow who was looking for just a **** buddy. he said he enjoyed it because he feels sexaully powerfull, sexually satisfying someone just when he thinks there is a fall in his sexual power. he said it was no big deal, he tried what he was always curious of, and now he knows there is nothing in the world to risk our relationship. I couldn't stop there. I dig too much. he said that he had always loved me too much but he was always turned on with other women. he looks at every women, he desires them all, all the time.he watches p**n channels every night, every time he has nothing else to do. he said he can control his feelings and his acts just not to lose me.

Is this normal. I think if he can manage through his feelings, he can approach them like a fantasy its OK. but will he be able to go on with that burning desire? are you guys all like this? if so why did we establish our civilization on lies? should I warn my daughter about what I have found out: We are still animals wearing suits?

(you may wonder if there is something wrong with me. psychologically I am having hard times. turned into a manic depressive wreck. but physically I am tall, slim, beautifull, great in bed with no taboos or limits. he admits no one he slept with is half as beautiful as I am and not better than me in bed. they were just different)

please reply honestly! I am prepared to have some nasty jokes but be gentle with me please!




  1. This is a s*x maniac dear, he loves s*x above all, s*x is his life. Don't ever under estimate yourself that you are not good enough in bed, he is a s*x maniac. For him to have s*x with only one woman is intolerable, impossible. He sees each woman as a different body to discover, different sensations. He said it himself they were just different and he wants to try them all. I know you love him dear but don't destroy yourself beacause of him. He is not worth and he is an incurable s*x lover.  

  2. no waunder your are manic, living with that pig, look your married you took vows and i assume he did to. he violated those vows, you should dump him and find a guy who will love you and take care of you and not sleep with every piece of a-- that comes deserve better then this guy and i hope you relize that. good luck

  3. It would be over my husbands dead body that he would ever be like that. What a huge kick to everything that you believe in..he married you. That means its you and you alone. Its never just s*x.

    Sounds like a mid life crisis happening at 28.

  4. you have low self esteem i can tell because you would have other wise left already, NO this is not normal and nor is every man like this, a man who loves you and is in love with you will not watch p**n and be obsessed with these s*x traits of p**n and call girls,p**n is the biggest disrespect to you and is cheating when he watches p**n if he then makes love to you actually has s*x with you do you thin its you on his mind? NO its these other women, if he says your all that then dont you often wonder why he would need al the other stuff??? it is a addiction he has which he needs seriouse help for and counselling can do this suggest this to him giver him an ultimatium if he doesnt then you leave

  5. no not all men are like this healthy men do not watch p**n all the time or want s*x all the time .  It does not matter that you maried young you are married.  I think you need to see a marrage councelor.  You could be heades for big time trouble. Not just the fact that you could get something that does not wash off but he could become abusive.  

  6. all men love s*x

  7. HI,

    Not all men cheat their wives... Thats bad


  8. all men are like this

  9. no honey and honestly cant you see that?

    If every man did what your husband does, love would sink right down the hole. You dont hear about this kind of c**p happening in love. You hear about respect and honesty and patience, kindness and sincerity, and i dont think you have love!!  

  10. All men are not like that.

    A lot are though so yeah, you should warn your daughter.  

  11. Not all men are like this. Some however may get bored with their current situation and think that they want someone or something else "new" to change how they feel. It's not necessarily something wrong with's with him. If he has that much time on his hands he needs to find a hobby that will occupy him so he's not always fantasizing about other women or sexual encounters. Cars, trucks, racing, fishing, hunting, movies, gaming, sports, food...there are a bunch of hobbies to keep one not "bored". It would also help if the two of you were surrounded by other couples that are in healthy relationships. You become who you hang around with. I wouldn't suggest telling your daughter. All that will do is weaken her relationship with her father. No good will come of it. Best of luck to you.

  12. Why are you there if your so beautiful like you say and you have pick of the crop? He does not think your so beautiful he just wants you to believe that so you eat his c**p the he poops out of is tail, and you do believing all his lies, No man that loves a woman would do that unless he is a sick headed no good porno junkie.

  13. alot of us are but the choice is yours to make as far as warning your daughter and staying with your husband who obviously is one of us.

  14. I think it all bull****.  My husband and I have been together since I was 17, we been together for 12 years and married 1.  Do all guys read from the same manuel.  Everything you are going thru,  I been there too.  The only difference was,  the cheating and wondering how it was to be with other women like his buddies were doing all happened during the earlier years of our relationship.  I'm a plus size girl who's has all the curves in the right spot and that's what turns my husband on the most, but he too told me how other women didn't look better then me, they weren' t better in bed, they were just there.  My husband knows that there is nothing out there and that he would never do anything to lose his family but he does the pornos and internet.  Looking at photos of naked women.  I hate that with a passion but I quess its alot better then actually being with another woman.

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