
Are all musicals based on a book or a movie or something like?

by Guest60026  |  earlier

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I have been searching the Internet, but I couldn't find a musical story that is created by the person who made the musical. I mean, NOT based on a novel or a movie or something like that. Just written by the musical maker.




  1. You're right--most musicals are based on some other story--"Rent" is based on "La Boheme", "Oklahoma" was derived from a short novel, "West Side Story" is adapted from "Romeo & Juliet"...Wicked, Jersey Boys, Les Mis...all from other  stories.

    The composers were most likely inspired by these stories and decided to bring them to the stage. There are musicals which are entirely original, but they for the most part haven't had the staying power of the shows with solid back-stories.

    When they first started, musicals were a bunch of songs grouped together and a story was created to tie them together. If I remember correctly, Oklahoma was actually one of the first to start with the story and create songs to enhance the story. And that pattern of taking a story and turning it into a musical seemed to stick.

  2. I believe Paint Your Wagon was an original story written by Lehrner and Loew.  the creaters of The Fantastics also did an original story for Celebration. (Cats was not an original, came from a book of poems).

  3. Does "Mamma Mia" count as not being based on something, when it's an original plot built around existing songs?

    There are shows that are original material, but they tend to be smaller.  "Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens" is one of my favourites, not based directly on anything.  Lloyd Webber's "The Beautiful Game" is a historical setting, but an original story.  

    Where does "Avenue Q" lie?  It's clearly deriverative of Sesame Street, but has original plot, characters and music.

  4. What about "Mama Mia", "Chess", "Cats". etc.  Musicals written as musicals.   Peace.

  5. Into the Woods - while it includes fairy tale characters (Little Red, Cinderella, Rapunzel), the complete story is original.  Sunday in the Park With George I believe was conceived as an original idea, inspired by the painting "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte" by Georges Seurat.  The Boy From Oz was based on the life and work of Peter Allen, but wasn't a book or a film first; and Chicago was based on a play which was actually based on a true story - it became a film much later.

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