
Are all newspapers biased?

by  |  earlier

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Yes ? no? Why are they biased and in what ways?

im confused lol

Thanks for any help x*x




  1. Technology News-

  2. One way or another yes.

  3. GOD himself could offer an exclusive and they would turn

    a deaf ear. Even with 7777 Ten Commandment posters

    to just give away valued at $10 ea. He can't raise an eyebrow.

                            The Passion of ADONAI 777

  4. Most of them sit on the fence and then lean slightly to whatever side will sell the most papers.

  5. No they all lie.

  6. yes, they all have their own political slant

  7. Newspapers have no feelings on any subject whatsoever.

    That being said, the writers and editors of those newspapers might have opinions one way or another on any given subject. The art of Journalism is to set aside those prejudicial feelings and seek only the truth. Unfortunately, it is hard to find good Journalists. Most seem to interlace their news with commentary and opinion.

  8. sun worst

  9. They just want to sell papers, they don't care about anything else,

  10. Of course.

  11. First, they tend to concentrate on the bad things or the really good things. They all have a political orientation, some are Labor, others are Liberal.

    They concentrate on local, rather than national.

  12. Yes, because newspaper journalists are trying to appeal to the mainstream population.  Their information is not peer reviewed or has undergone any sort of scientific validity or reliability tests.

    Statistics can be manipulated.

  13. despite the fact that they all say they aren't, all of them are, it's because of who owns and runs the papers, but someone who runs a newspaper and is for the war in iraq isn't going to let abunch of antiwar articles in the paper he runs, so to answer your question, yes, i believe they all are, at least all the ones i have seen

  14. Newsmedia in any format are supposed to be biased, simply because each of them has its own stance and interpretation of information, and such bias is the result of a series of political and social reasons, while sometimes it is more about a strategic position in the media industry.

    Yet we cannot simply say they over-exaggerate or misinterpret a news info. The reason why 10 journalists sitting in the same room hearing the same piece of information can come up 10 different news report in different style is that they need to re-write the story in a way in-line with respective media's stance, or we can call it "framing".

    Since there are preconditions and/or empirical knowledge determining the way to frame a story, you can find that media are always consistent on handling a particular issue, and no matter you agree or not, they will follow the same steps to move on producing news report day after day until they are closed or a new boss who buys the media but shares a totally different view and looking to change it asap.

  15. The tabloids usually have either a political bias, or a standard set of opinions to pander to readers.

    Broadsheets usually tend to have more subtle bias.

    An example would be The Sun newspaper, which is anti -Europe & anti - government, hence the constant headlines of 'Loony Labour' or 'Barmy Brussels' etc.

    It's like authors - certain people like certain authors, so they'll always read their books - newspapers need to retain the same viewpoint & style of reporting to retain readers.

  16. meby some of them

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