
Are all of the "World Ending" Disscusions true?

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I mean i read some of the green book, and its said that by 2025 the world needs to increase the water by 22% or else we wont meet or needs [which will make us die.] But that might not happen because the mayans said the world is ending December 12, i think in 2012?!!? your help would be great to explain what is happening




  1. The Mayans didn't say the world would end in 2012, that is just how far their calendar went. It is kinda like the computer problem in 2000, when computers were developed people weren't thinking that far ahead. If the Mayans were still around they would have reworked their calendar.

    Back to the Green Book, one of my favorites BTW. Yes, we will need to have more fresh water to quench the thirst of the growing population, but we have the ability to get that water. One way is to quit using drinking water to flush our toilets and water lawns. The book isn't saying we can't survive it is saying we can't continue to waste at the rate we waste. We are developing ways to purify water, take the salt out of ocean water and conserve what we do have. The typical American lawn is a huge water waster, many cities are encouraging people to reduce or eliminate this wasteful crop, and in the future you will see it being replaced by drought tolerant and food plants. We have the ability to reuse water that normally would be wasted, my city recycles sewage and uses it for non food irrigation. Many houses in drought areas are using gray water recycling and rain water capture to conserve water.

    So, we can save ourselves, it is a matter of are we willing to wake up and do things differently or will we just keep denying the problems and fade away.

  2. its's all bunk

  3. i think i read the 2012 thing before?

    it hast to do w/ the Aztec calender or something?

    but well so far there has been soo many of those world ending dates that have already passed

    so its probably not true

    the only one i know will happen is the one about the Sun going super nova and destroying us....but thats not for another 10000000000000000000000000000000 years [well i over exadurate but is way after our generation] xDD

  4. well, friend, of course not! only god knows that!!  people talk so much and nothing ever happens..its better not to listen,just live your life peacefully and ignore.  

  5. The world will eventaully end. Of course the exact date is not yet secured, it is believed that the world will end in 2012. There have been many "scares" in the past about rumors that concerned the end of the world. Scientist are really "convinced" this time, for 7 main reasons:








    personally, i believe that the world will end when it's ready. It is not up to us humans to predict, stop, or avoid it. Just live a fullfilling life and all will be satisfied and pleased at the end.

    you can find more information at the website in the source box

  6. I asked so many people the same question and they all  told me that no one else besides God knows when the world is going to end not even the devil. But I don't even think we are near the end of time world and when it comes it will probably be way past of our generation.

  7. Better to ask if any of the world ending discussions are true.

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