
Are all organic things alive, were once alive, or products of living things?

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Are all organic things alive, were once alive, or products of living things?




  1. If you mean organic compounds, as in the chemicals one studies in organic chemistry, then no. Although many organic compounds are products of livings things (e.g. table sugar), many organic compounds can also be produced through non-living processes.

    The famous Miller-Urey experiment is an example.

  2. products of living things

  3. This one is kinda tricky, because you can synthetically make organic molecules.  It is possible for all organic material to trace its history back.  This process is called Carbon dating, however, it doesn't really tell you where it came from, just how old it is. I got a bit sidetracked so let me try to take apart your question:

    All organic things aren't alive, simple table sugar is a perfect example, it is organic, yet it is not living.  Was table sugar ever living? No, not based on current standards we use to define life.  So given that your last choice is the product of living things, that seems to be the only answer, however, I would argue quite compellingly that it is neither any of the above.

    I hope this helps you and you might want to challenge your Professor on their logic for this question.  If they ask for an example, tell them to look up the Miller/Urey experiment.

  4. your right on the money

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