
Are all plar bears left handed?

by  |  earlier

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It says it on the sachet of sauce that came with my Tikka Masala "Pot Noodle", which for research sorces is up there with Wikipedia, so is it true?




  1. What is a plar bear? What is a sorce?

  2. No.  Polar bears are not left handed.  They never hit a baseball nor write nor drive.

    Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source.  When I see it used as a reference I treat the same as a non-reference.  You see I am a professional. I know better.

  3. polar bears have paws not hands

    plus they don't have aposable thumbs so they cant really be a certain handed from my understanding

  4. Yes. All polar bears are left handed. When stalking prey on the ice, a polar bear draws his right paw across his black nose, hiding his primary dark body part, the better to successfully sneak up on his next meal. (Some polar bears also squeeze their eyes almost closed, for even more complete camouflage.) Then, the bear batters his lunch to death with his stronger, dominant, left paw.

  5. evidently. but i wouldn't ask one

  6. yes they are

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