
Are all products made in China good or bad?

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What do you think of products made in China? What kind of products do you think they are good and acceptable?What kind of products do you think they are terrible? It is much better to tell me their brand or make? By the way,a lot of people in China like Mcdonald and KFC and drink a lot cola their gov buy lots of airplanes named Boeing, people in china use CPU of comptuers made in china,named Inter or AMD ,designed in USA,its plants are invested by USA,so I think China plays a role what China has to play, USA plays a role what USA has to play. I am just wondering if it is rantional or not to boycott anything made abroad.




  1. Most Chinese made products do lag behind their Western counterparts. But there are notable exceptions, though mainly in the categories not relevant to you or me (such as oil tankers, high-end bridges, etc)

    For the products that are relevant to you and me, we can divide Chinese products into 2 categories: (1) products made for export and (2) products made for domestic consumption.

    (1) As for the export items, the quality is actually NOT as bad as the Western media portrays.

    The average household in the West is chock-full of products made in China. If they are as bad and as poisonous as the Western media says, everyone would be dead by now!

    (2) As for the items for domestic consumption, the quality IS unfortunately quite bad.

    But this problem is common to ALL large developing countries. And there is very little the central government in Beijing can do.

    The fact is there are hundreds of millions of corner stores, tiny factories, home factories, street vendors, and illegal hawkers in the country. No governments of the world can completely eliminate them.

    However, the problem will gradually diminish as China develops. But it won’t go away until China becomes a fully-developed, wealthy, 1st world country. Fortunately, I believe this will happen.

  2. It is true that Chinese products has a higher chance to be a junk, but I would say the situation was not too bad if you shop smartly. You possiblly hear more news about issues of Made in China production because most productions are made in China. (You may never hear an flight accident with 100+ passengers from a Made in China airplane due to mechanical problem, but you will hear this once every few years for a beoing plane(USA) or Airbus(Europe)... Well... China does not make any 100+ passsenger plane, so you will never hear it. The same as toys.. now, there are rarely any toys that is actually MADE in USA without China parts. over 90% of them are made in China. )

    As a Chinese, I pretty much know what I should buy. Things as clothing are OK most of time. Toys - I make sure my son won't put them into his mouth. If you ate the toy, I will worry more about how to get the toy out of his stomach than the lead paint.

    In China, people are also shopping with the idea Quality per price with the same qualtity. Judge yourself if it is worth to pay for the extra for the extra quality e.g.: If I want a DVD player, I can buy a named brand for $120 that will last forever, or I can buy a non-brand made in China DVD for $40 that I am not sure when it will be broken ...  I am pretty sure 3 China made DVD will last longer than the braded DVD, so I will choose the China unless I am going to use it for home threater that quality is more important.

  3. Two-folded consideration...

    On one hand, you have what is by far the worst geopolitical player: no human rights within its borders, an enormous - and evergrowing - power (both political and economical), together with a "the stronger rules the weaker" attitude. It's much like living the eve of a renewed, all-powerful Nazist Germany.

    On the other hand, what's "made in china" is most probably *at least one* of the following:

    - made by underage workers

    - made by underpaid workers

    - made by people under forced labor, after being arrested simply because they dissented the government (or other "despicable" activities, like practicing meditation or not paying enough respect to a Party boss...)

    - made with toxic materials, and/or made by people exposed to toxic material

    - made with unsafe materials, and/or made by people exposed to unsafe material

    - ...

    In the rare case where buying a "made in china" product is not unsafe or unethical, it is geopolitically wrong.

    So, the answer is:


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