
Are all reaces of present world descendents of the same Parents (aka Adam and Eve)?

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How come black africans, yellow chinese, white scandinavians, red indians, aborigines had the same parents ??




  1. The Human genographic project claims that all people alive today have a single male ancestor and a single female ancestor commonly referred to as the scientific Adam and scientific Eve (not a couple!). These were not the 1st humans, just the ones that we all descend from. If you follow the science behind the out of Africa theory the lighter skinned peoples were the first to leave Africa.  The skin color is an adaptation to their new environments, so the lighter the skin the longer they've had to travel to more northern destinations and to adapt.

  2. Adam and Eve lived thousands of years ago. Their descendants slowly spread throughout the earth and certain families pocketed in certain areas. the world wasn't a 'global villiage' like it is today so family traits gradually became more apparent with each generation, untill the 'family' filled an entire continent. Today we know anyone who is white generally has a European backround, anyone who's black probably has an African heritage...and so on.  

  3. To consider your question, consider the alternative, that different races had different originations.  How likely is it that the "races" we see today originated separately and converged to the extent that viable offspring can be produced?

    It is far more likely that all "races" trace back to a single set of ancestors and that it was recent enough for speciation not to have had time to occur.

  4. This is the correct answer, Definitely the correct answer. First i will give you my answer and then the tangible evidence. Yes, all mankind are the children of ADAM peace be upon him. look at the links below for a definite answer that will leave in your minds no doubt as to how you got here and what you are doing. There are clear signs for men of understanding. MUST watch the whole content of both videos for the answer. It is definitely true, don't deny when the clear proof is staring you in the face. Please watch.

  5. don't be dumb...adam and eve was written out of a book by people who had zero logic and no sense of the world and everything in it!

    just refer to science and you will be answered!

  6. First, the answer is "No."

    What we term "race" is, as you noted, most often based on skin color.Skin color in humans is closely related to where they live on the planet. The darkest skin being found along the equator and progressively light skin the closer you get to the poles.

    The reason is the sun. Dark skin in the tropics protects from sunburn and similar problems. Light skin allows the absorption of vitamin D in the weaker light of the high latitudes. As humans migrated out of Africa (and we all started out black of skin) skin color started to change to what we have today.

    While there's the "African Eve" theory this doesn't mean that the "Eve" they identified was the only woman or the first woman. Her miterocondrial DNA is what exists in humans today while those of the other females has died out.

  7. That's what Christians and Jews believe, silly isn't it?

  8. First off, it is spelt races. Second off, depends on which religion you are dealing with. Some believe so. Some believe that the blacks in Africa are descendents of Cain. Saying in the bible that he shall be marked and walk this world for ever. But main stream religion believes that all races come from Adam and Eve. With no real explenation for the differnce in skin color or cultural beliefs.

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