
Are all religions agaist the death penalty?

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if not can you name the ones that are.....or if its easier aren't




  1. .  IN the Old Testament there is quite a bit of "An eye for an eye" and lots of people get "smote".  I think that Lutherans and Presbyterians and Methodists are not universally against the death penalty.

  2. No. Hanging and beheading are common in Saudi Arabia and Iran. China executes for 'minor offences'. These are just an example.

  3. Muslims give the death penalty for things like adultery, being raped, a woman showing part of her face/hair in public, and a list of other things they consider "offenses".  They also want to give the death penalty for things like drawing a cartoon.  And they pretty much want to give the death penalty to anyone that does not follow their religion.

  4. The best place for info on this is at

    which has the positions of most of the world's religions on the death penalty.

    You can also find a good list and more info on the death penalty at

  5. I wonder how Islam deals with the death penalty?  

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