
Are all sales on E-Bay safe?

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Will they be able to see my credit card info? And are the items they're selling real?




  1. I don't think that they see you number or anything. They just get the ok I think. Not everything is good on ebay. I spent 700 dollars on a machine there, that was suppose to have insurance as well. That guy lied. It didn't have insurance and it was busted. So you have to be careful what you get.

  2. Look at their percentage next to the sellers names, on how reputable they are.  Don't buy anything under 98%.  Things that are risky to buy are autographs and giftcards.  I think if you use paypal they can't see your credit card info.

  3. Yes, but if you don't get the item, or it turns out to be unsatisfactory you can have your credit card take back the payment. Also, if they fraudulently use your credit, you can report it to the bank and they will take care of it.  you are safe.

  4. Always read the full advert, check to see whether they offer refunds for faulty items, see what their rating is, check thier feedback. I knew someone that had bought an xbox on ebay when they first came out. He paid £250 for it and when it arrived it was just the box. When he contacted the seller the seller told him to go back and check what he had just recieved and the ad did say an xbox box. So he got scammed £250. Don't go for first time sellers either.

  5. Jillianne

         The answer is:  NO.    However - that's no reason not to use e-bay and toss the baby out with the bathwater.  To ebay safely and minimize your risk of losing money or credit card fraud, you should:

       Set up a Paypal account and don't pay with anything else.  You could still get ripped off on the purchase, but they won't be able to abuse your personal information in any way.   Then remember this - Paypal will NEVER, EVER e-mail you.  There's a ton of spammers out there looking to steal your password, some similar but not the same fake paypal websites.  They are extremely legit looking.   Also - any serious ebay business person takes Paypal.   If they don't take paypal,   then, you need to wonder why.   Maybe they want to make it really hard for you to do anything but give your credit card number or bank info.   Maybe they were with paypal, and got banned for fraud.    Bottom line - if they don't use paypal, then don't buy from them.   There's nothing on ebay that you need badly enough to break any of your security rules for.


       Once you set it up,  protect it.   Change your password every month or two.  Scan  your computer for viruses and spyware DAILY using the good stuff like Trend-micro Security Suite and Webroot Spy Sweeper.  

        To avoid getting defrauded on expensive items,  don't buy expensive stuff unless you can see that someone has a very, very good approval rating - as in over 100 sales, and 99% good reviews.    

    Ebayers - both buyers and sellers, but more so the sellers - live and die by their approval ratings, and just a handful of really bad comments can affect their business.   Legitimate businesses dealing on ebay will bend over backwards to make you happy.    If they aren't legit, they won't have nearly the track record, and it won't be as positive.

    Pay attention to the words in the ad, and if there is anything suspicious whatsoever - shy away.    I don't know what you like to buy, but I'll give you a personal example.  

    I like to check out the used trumpets.  I don't need more than a couple or so, but if I see a deal I can't refuse, I might be interested.    If someone says in their ad "I don't know anything about trumpets but the thingies all seem to work" - then I know they are being disingenuous, and I instantly don't trust them.   Something is fishy.  

      If the brand is similar to something else, but not the same,  something is wrong ( for example - Selmer is a very big musical instrument company.  You'll see alot of 'Selman' branded stuff.  They aren't good enough to even stand on the merits of their own brand.)

      If the pictures are blurry,  if answers to your questions are vague,  if anything isn't quite right - run the other way.  

    If you follow these guidelines always,  and keep your guard up,  you should have no problems.

    - Kevin

  6. no,not all auctions are have to check the sellers feedback rating,negatives are bad.look for power sellers when shopping on ebay.

  7. Nope they cant see your credit card info because paypal/ebay has a program thing so they buyer never see's that information they just get their payment. I would say that most of the sellers on ebay are actually selling what they list but of course there is always the people who are trying to just get your money. Its very hard to scam people like that though on eBay because you can check their feedback and see if they are a good seller. Plus there are many ways to get your payment back if you dont get your item. Its basically impossible to get scammed on check their feedback. But theres always the case ware somebody gets into the persons account and lists items that the "real" seller doesnt actually have but in that case you can get your money back.

  8. Safe, of course not. There are means to protect you but they have lots of stipulations.

    Always look at their points.

  9. Sells are ebay are VERY safe if you go through paypal. Their rules are very strict and secure. Through paypal the buyer will NOT see your CC info.

    You can run up on items that are not real. ALWAYS look at people's feedback..that way you will learn if someone has been selling fake items. It also helps to bid on items that do not have stock photos...but actual photos of the exact item up for auction.

  10. They can't see your credit card info if you use PayPal. But sometimes you can be ripped off.

  11. EBay is the 'wild west' of online sales.

    Be sure to check their feedback before buying.


    Some people have sold me dodgy goods, by carefully wording their ads so they can try to say 'it was in the description'.

    This week I got a broken hard disk when it said it was new. And the guy is trying to make out like nothing is I've had to hand it over to PayPal for a decision.

    It's a tough world out there.

    Be careful.

  12. Pay with Paypal on a credit card. That way, if transaction goes south, you can have an additional way to dispute the sale.

    Most sales are safe.

    Not all bad sellers have poor feedback.  Be sure to read everything into the advertisement.

  13. all ebay items are not safe. some of them if not through paypal can rip you off. and for your credit card info most likely not unless they hack you. good luck and look for power sellers. :)

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