
Are all the Republicans getting registered to vote? I am in Texas and we are ready to win it for McCain.?

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I have got people registered very early so if there is a problem we can solve it long before Nov.

We will not accept conditional ballots, we want our vote to count on election day.

We have Texas in the Red and McCain lead is growing

I am a Democrat voting for McCain if you are a Democrat voting for McCain and Palin in Texas please say hello and list your county.

Lets car pool and help each other reach the pools on time and safely

Good Luck and God Bless you all.




  1. Texas is always a red state.  I live there and will be voting for Obama but have no doubt McCain will win TX.  Don't get your panties in a bunch my friend cuz you have nothing to worry about, there is no swinging in ole Tejas.

  2. Ok got a question why is your name I love Obama if your a Democrat voting for McCain....  and why address republicans in the question but in the details adress Democrats???

    Fishy Fishy

  3. Republican


    San Antonio, TX

  4. He would have won Texas any way. I do applaud any get out the vote efforts even by Republicans.

  5. Never mind, Obama gains because I just cancel your vote and give Obama some more. Since I'm a Repub I have a big family and we are all voting for change this year.

    Republican family switches side for change!!!!!!!

  6. McCain is crazy and Palin's a liar! If your Republican, what's with the "I love Obama" screen name? You might wanna change that...

  7. Don't worry, we will win out...

  8. I live in TEXAS (San Antonio) and I will not vote for UNCLE BENS, I believe that Texas will go to OBAMA. We may be a republican state but that doesnt mean that we will vote republican. Are McCains teeth real.

  9. Haha If you folks are going to the pools to vote, have fun.

    We Obama folks will be winning at the polls..... where the votes count. Y'all have a great time, and wear some sunscreen to stay safe.  

  10. umm... have you seen your name? if ur voting for McCain, you're not democrat..  

  11. i know the dems are will flock in there by the millions to vote for obama

  12. I'm a dem and voting for Mccain. Mccain is a centered in my eyes.

  13. Plano, Texas, voting for Obama.

  14. d**n, now we are going to lose Texas to McCain.

  15. I was going to praise you but why is your YA! name I love Obama?


  17. Texas can't win it for McCain, only lose it for him. I am in Harris County, but the state is solidly republican. McCain and Obama have both already counted Texas as going to McCain. No need to mobilize for the republicans in this state.

  18. That's because Bush is from Texas and he supports McCain. Most Texans will always follow what they produce. Such sad people

  19. yOU KNOW YOU ARE LYING ABOUT BEING A DEMOCRAT. STOP LYING! Really what do you get from that? Yahoo! doesnt pay for that.

  20. McCain will automatically carry Texas.

  21. WOW ....

    McCain leads Obama 45% to 42% in Texas....

    A RED STATE!!!!!!

    I suggest you get every Repub to vote and you might have a chance..

    ha ha ha

  22. If you are a Democrat voting for McCain, then you are not really a Democrat.

  23. god, i hope that is a joke. mccain would totally f*ck things up.

    he was a p.o.w. for five years, was tortured for five f*cking years. a person like that must have psychological issues. im sure he's demented a person like that should hold no place in office

  24. I have been a registered Republican for 28 years and I have never missed an election. This year I will be voting for Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party. I might pull the lever if Palin was at the top of the ticket, however, McCain is Liberal Light and not much different from Obama.  

  25. nah i dont know..... can we still vote for Ron Paul?

  26. Don't be so sure. I'm in Texas too (Houston) and I can tell you, Houston is shifting democrats at a rapid rate. McCain may win Texas but it won't be by a landslide. He'll squeak by and that's a good sign for Democrats and just the right amount of votes we need to win it for Obama.

    Sorry to rain on your parade.

    Obama/Biden 08!!


    Im not in texas though... :(

  28. I know in my county, they had so many volunteers come in, they had to send some home. Thanks to the media, the ladies are coming out here in Va.

  29. I just heard a bunch of Republicans calling the race over because of McCains insulting pick for VP. They can't believe he decided to play politics with such an important position. Click on the link below to listen for yourself.

  30. I am a Republican registered to vote in MA. My family are mostly Democrats and are all voting for McCain as well. They don't have to re register though because they can vote for either party in the General Election. By the way how come your name is I love Obama if you are voting for McCain?

  31. i'm a democrat voting for mccain/palin, but i'm not from texas. i live in northern virginia and can't wait to have him as my "neighbor"

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