
Are all the asiatic warlike tribes in history related somehow?

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the mongols, the tatars, the huns, the khazars, the kushuns, mughals, etc. etc.

Maybe they are all originally of the same tribe, just split off into different areas and directions?




  1. naaa !

  2. the Huns,Tatars, kazars they all Turks... even now these nations speaks Turkish with different accents.same tribe split up.. huns some went Turkey some went Hungary.. some picked islam some picked other religions.only mongols different tribe

  3. Biblicaly yes.

    Three tribes (brothers)came out of the Ark with their wives.

    Shem,Ham and Japeth.

    Hope i don't muddle you but Shem is Israel/Ham is the tribes you speak of and Japeth is the Gentlies i;e me.

    What brought it home to me in your Q was the Sycthian's,i think they are Hametic.

    It has been a long time since i studied the ,"Three tribes from the Ark".

    If it is wrong way round,please forgive,but it is easily reasearched,wether you accept the Bibical history or not,we are all classed as Shemetic/Hametic or Japhetic.

    Good Luck.

  4. The orientals, Sinodonts and Sundadonts, came from Tibet.  It seems likely that they were isolated in the Tibetan highlands for a long time and then developed black hair to cope with the high ultraviolet and extra fat layer on the eyes to cope with the cold.  They developed a very good technology and culture for dealing with the rough highlands.  They then moved out of the Tibetan highlands and conquered lands from the Americas to the Indonesia and even Madagascar off Africa.   So yes they are related if you go back a few thousand years.

  5. If they weren't related originally, they were after Ghengis khan went through the region. He and his hordes left their seed everywhere.

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