
Are all things interconnected?

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Are all things interconnected?




  1. Yes everything is connected to the one source.I am you as you are me and we are we and we are all together...sang John Lennon...and he was right however the role of fear is hatred to seperate and then to judge and then to deny and then to kill.Like the anthesis of interconnectedness.Take the fly.A creature that lives on waste..yet without the fly this world could not function for the fly has a posistive role within this world...but how many people think they are clean and kill the fly never realising that on their bodies live hosts of creatures too small for the eyes to see.We all need each other.. even the fly and Humanity.

  2. I do not believe so.

  3. ABSOLUTELY. everything needs everything else. A tree and myself are connected at the sub-atomic level

  4. Yes, absolutely.  God is basically the multiverse (if you dk what that is, LOOK IT UP)  

    So his child is our universe.  Being a universe means everything in it as well.Everything is connected in a big giant web, EVERYTHING.

    So yes, all things interconnected.

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