
Are all you English chaps sissies or what?

by  |  earlier

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As an American, I value your friendship and support.

However, you all act as if you're wearing panties and playing Hopscotch at your Mum's coming out party.

Grow some nuts, and and holler back!




  1. I can a sure you England isn't what Family Guy makes out England is full of stabbings and tennage pregnancies and drugs nobody plays hopscotch unless there a 6 year old girl and I don't have a clue what a coming out party is sooooo that must be an American thing? Belive me we have got a lot worse life than you yanks!

    Oh and another thing mate you have American Football and we have Rugby basically the same sport only we don't need helmets and padding like you bunch of soppy *****!

                 You ******* MUG!

  2. no, are you all you americans cousin grabbing fat slobs? probably not. and not all english people say chaps, good sport, jolly good, have bad teeth and talk like the queen, actually about 0.5% of people talk with recieved pronunctiation. try going to liverpool or newcastle, they're real english accents that sound nothing like the stereotypical 'English' accent. actually..go to liverpool or newcastle and ask if the people there are 'sissies''ll probably have no legs left if you ask the wrong people.

  3. haha i like this question


    "what do you call it when you kick all the pomms out of Australia? CLEAN-UP AUSTRALIA DAY!!!

    F***n aussie/curry pride mate... we've got bloody kangaroos... what do you have???

  4. LOL.

    How rude.

    At least we don't pad ourselves up like you American's.

    You're the wimps tbh.

    I mean, i love you for political and friendship reasons...

    But everybody knows that we're the bravest nation.

    Stiff upper lip and what not.


  5. He, He.

    (Mmm, I see our humour as gone a missing this morning)

  6. What's that got to do with RUGBY how can English lads be sissies they don't need padding to play rugby unlike you yanks that wear padding for American Football so i would have to say it's you yanks that need to grow the balls and stop playing with girls skipping ropes .

  7. Can I say this in the highest jest and good humour to you, my brother, over there in the colonies.

    Go f**k yourself you burger eating Iraqi civilian buggering hypocritical nob cheese.... ;-p

  8. i want to be a sissy! take me to england, id take it over the sissies here

    they seem to be a better breed

    YUM YUM!

  9. Us English generally consider anyone acting tough to be over-compensating for a deep seated inferiority complex. We prefer to hide our strengths, that way you never see us coming.

    But if you don't believe me, perhaps you should go for a quiet late-night drink in Manchester. See if you can get them to grow some nuts and holler back.

  10. As a kiwi,and i say this from everyone in New Zealand"your friendship and support  is like a worm with nuts! Holla !

  11. At least they don't wear padding and helmets and to my knowledge never lost against a bunch of pyjama-wearing Vietnamese peasants....who are the real sissys?

  12. The thing is, all you Yank males are so insecure, you have to strut and gesture pathetically like rutting stags - only unconvincingly.

    Act like real men - not Rambo

    No offense, of course.

    Is that loud enough, tough guy?

  13. Hang onnnnn... How often do you see a team of rugby players or rounders players wearing helmets that could keep out a bomb while playing sport? Im a girl so I dont suppose that counts...

  14. as an english person, i don't value anything about you, you are american

  15. Hmmm, well I'd like to say that I myself (being an English person) am pretty placid and I do aim to be pleasant wherever possible but if somebody p*sses me off I'd do a fair bit more than 'holler' back so I'd like to think the males in this Country would also! Lol.

  16. why dont you go up to lets say Paul o' connell or martin Johnson and ask them to grow some nuts and tell them what you said in this question and id bet you anything you would have a couple of broken teeth and bones.

    so my advice watch what you say.

  17. I hope that you are not counting this Englishman as one of your valued friends.

  18. Are you talking about rugby? You certainly know how to stir up the English. What brought this on?  Give it some context.

  19. We eat nuts salted in this country.Most english 15 yr olds will out drink,out smoke any septic adult male & if you wanna fight them they'll just stab yer.

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