
Are all you McCann bashers going to apologise for your rush to judgement now that they have been officially?

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CLEARED of any wrongdoing in respect of their daughter's disappearance.

PLEASE- Keep your apologies to a minimum of 50 words





  1. Lol doggie,don't hold your breath.

    Judgemental and opinionated people never apologise,they are too arrogant to think they could EVER be wrong!!

  2. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just because they have not been charged yet, DOES NOT make them innocent.

    They will never be innocent because after all they choose to leave 3 very young children alone and that fact will never change.

  3. I find no reason to apologise if I'm in the right and until it is proved unequivocally that they are not guilty of child neglect and so doing being responsible for their daughters disappearance then NO I wont be.

  4. I wouldn't say they have been cleared the case has been shelved this does not clear anyone, until there is evidence to the contrary IE the child turning up how can anyone say they didn't do it !!

  5. They will never be cleared of neglecting their daughter.  That is what they did.  The FACT is that if they had not left their children alone, Maddie would still be with them.  There is no argument against this.  I would not treat my dog like they treated their children.  They are solely to blame.

  6. No apology here.They neglected their kids.FACT!

  7. They killed the investigation!!!

    They are unique as the only parents to refuse to answer police questions or take part in a reconstruction!!!


    Whilst the investigation has been closed it can be reopened the moment they agree to answer police questions - but do not hold your breath!!!!!!

    Why oh why are you so insistent on supporting the parents and taking the emphasis away from finding Madeline?!!!!

    Oh, I see you forgot it is about finding her then!!!!!

  8. I wouldn't hold your breath.No one likes being proved wrong,too bitter a pill to swallow.Happy enough to swallow all the lies in the press though.

  9. They haven't, yet, been officially cleared and NO, I won't be apologising.  Did you see the McCanns feel in any way apologetic to Robert Murat after pointing the finger at him?  Do you see the McCanns feel in any way apologetic to Madeleine after failing to care for her correctly?  

    Didn't think so.

  10. Im still convinced one or both knows more than they are saying - not being pigheaded at all - the psychology of everything that hapenned just shouts to me theres something wrong here


    the case has been shelved NOT dropped

  12. ur mental or u are a McCann,please they left their kids alone....people dont even leave their bikes,pets etc alone u div....we still hate them

  13. what charges they never went to court and never answered any questions

    they are being protected by the press and the goverment dont you ever ask youself why ?

    they will never be cleared untill madeline is found

    people who support them worry me

  14. People will interpret this news in the manner that supports their beliefs, just like they still believe the rubbish printed in the media both here and in Portugal over the past 10 months.

  15. Here is my apology:

    Kate and Gerry, we are truly sorry judging you of being bad parents.

    We now understand that leaving your 3 children unattended while you spend time with your friends getting pissed is a perfectly acceptable way to be responsible parents, not like the rest of us who wouldn't dream of leaving our children alone for even 10 seconds.

    Please accept our sincere apologies, Feel free to abandon your children again next time around.

  16. I would still bash them if I saw them for their utter stupidity.

  17. cleared?, I thought the case had been shelved. Big differnce!

  18. No way. Guilty of neglect and the rest we'll probably never know, but I bet the police does.

  19. Doggie.  There are a few on here who have crucified the McCanns from day 1 and will continue to do the same for ever. Not a single thought to the many many cases of child neglect far far more serious that this. Its been a witch hunt from the beginning and now the McCanns have been cleared there are some who cannot and will not ever accept it. They used to be called a lynch mob. String them up without a trial. Its pathetic.

  20. They are guilty of neglect by their own version of events.

  21. you'll never get an apology from these spiteful vindictive people. these people, i believe are strangely jealous of the mccanns because they have money. these vindictive spiteful people would like to see the mccanns in prison and the twins in care homes just to  satisfy their righteousness. these vindictive spiteful people have never ever made a mistake. they have never ever  committed an error of judgement  . they are as pure as the driven snow. they are perfect. how can the mccanns live up to that perfection? i know i cant. so no.these spiteful people, and you all know who you are due to your perfections,  can never apologise to any one thats made a mistake.

  22. The answer to that is simple..................... NO

    are you forgetting they left 3 kids under 3 alone so they could get p!ssed.  even after they had promised maddie the same morning that they would not leave her, because she woke up crying and wondering where they was the night before.

    And even though they had plenty of money they could not be bothered to pay for a baby sitter.

    They let all 3 of  their kids down in the biggest possible way, and now they are going to have to live with that fact.

    In answer to pinball:............ i would rather have my 4 kids than all the money in the world

  23. No! The case has been dropped through lack of evidence, but the fact remains that, assuming their version of events is truthful, they left a 3 year old child unsupervised in an unlocked apartment. She went missing and has never been seen since. So at the very least the McCanns are guilty of negligence. Their insistence that they had "done nothing wrong" really does not hold any water.

  24. I totally agree with Michael W.

    I have NEVER believed the McCanns to be guilty,(not even of neglect, considering they checked their kids more often than any baby listening service would have)

    Maddie was well cared for, and well loved.

  25. One word will suffice NO. I will never apologise to two people who are FULLY responsible for the 'disappearance' of their own child and who have hindered every step of the way. The case is far from closed, it's just a matter of time but the truth will out....

  26. You smell......and you need worming.....

  27. Ok I'll keep it to one - NO!

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