
Are all young children curious about s*x??

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My daughter (10) and my son (12) are full of questions that I do not feel comfortable answering. Is this the same for everyone, or just me?




  1. they are 10 and 12 and you haven't talked to them yet? Man this is why we have so many kids having s*x young and getting pregnant.

    I don't understand why parents have to make this an uncomfortable thing. If you talk about it in a matter of fact manner it is not uncomfortable. If you talk about it from a young age and add age appropriate details as they grow older then it doesn't become taboo or uncomfortable.

    Trust me if they are 10 and 12 they already know a lot and if you are smart you will sit down with them and answer their questions and be honest with your answers. This is part of being a parent.

    EDIT: Billards, you don't think it's normal for a 10 yr old girl to be curious about s*x? Ummm have you been living under a rock? My middle son is 10 in 5th grade and they are teaching s*x education in 5th grade. What time period are you from? There are girls who get their period at age 9. It's insane to not have discussed this stuff with them yet.

  2. s*x



    Lets face it s*x is everywhere. I bet that got your attention, it would probably get theirs. If you tell them or not, they are going to find out from friends, or the TV or other media. It would be a good idea to have a great input in it.

    Im 17 I feel fine talking to my mum if I have any questions. I think it was because she answered my questions with the truth. Obviously not too much infomation till she knew I was ready, and I was asking the right kind of questions.

    Good luck hun, its no something you will get used too overnight


    x x x

  3. um its most kids

  4. i'm not sure all "young" children are, but certainly by 10 or 12 it's very normal to be (do you remember what it's like to be 12?).

    honest answers to their questions will keep them safe and give you a chance to communicate your values; if they don't get answers from you they will seek them elsewhere.  if the subject seems daunting to you, seek out a book you can read with them or have them read and talk to you about.

  5. Some children are curious  at younger ages than yours. If you aren't comfortable answering your children's s*x related questions, then how will they learn? If you put them off, they will think that s*x is a "dirty thing."  It's not,  as you well know & your children need to hear this from you. If your children talk to other children about s*x, they may be misinformed because "their" parents weren't comfortable talking to their children either. Kids are becoming sexually active at a very young age these days. They're babies having babies. Why? They haven't had that all important talk with mom or dad or, their parents put the talks off, because they weren't comfortable. Read the many questions at this site from young kids who haven't got a clue about how they got pregnant, or when they got pregnant, or how to "spell"  their body parts. Sad isn't it? Talk to your children. Give them just enough info as you go along, that will satisfy their curiosity. The older they get & the more they hear, the more questions they'll ask, & a bit more entailed your answers should be. It's better to educate your children, then have your daughter come home in a few years & tell you she's pregnant or your son comes home in a few years, & says he got a girl pregnant. Your son is long overdo for "the talk."  I wonder if you've talked to your daughter about what to expect when her periods begin, if she hasn't started yet. Many girls are scared when they start their periods, because they had no idea what was happening. If your mother wasn't comfy talking to you about periods/ s*x, break the cycle now. This is the time in their lives that they are taught their morals, values, & self repspect. Many parents think it's the teacher's job to educate their children when it comes to "s*x." Then, when the children go home & tell their parents what they learned, they are shocked & appalled at what their little Susie or Johnie has been taught. Gee, which way do these parents want it? Educated or not educated?

  6. You should not feel uncomfortable telling your kids about s*x. You need to tell them before its too late. The average American teen has s*x at 14! Scary but true!

  7. not "ALL"......

  8. 10 and 12 are no longer "young children", they are preteens! It is natural for children of all ages to be curious about s*x, it is a part of life. Uncomfortable or not you need to answer their questions unless you want them to seek answers elsewhere (peers who don't know what they are talking about or worse, the internet)

  9. It's completley normal for a 12 year old boy having questions about s*x. But I don't think it's very normal for a 10 year old girl to. Maybe she got some of those questions from your son.

  10. its totally normal, answer up now, ur the parent

  11. I think you should be happy that your children are willing to talk to you about s*x and to become more informed.  It might be uncomfortable for you, but it is better that your children learn the facts from you than from their friends, the internet or tv and be misinformed.  If you open that dialogue now, it just might continue when they are older.  Just get over your uncomfortableness and answer their questions.

  12. 10 and 12 year olds are tweens, not young children!  They, especially 12 year old have already started puberty.  Do not see all the questions on here from 12 and 13 year olds who are scared they are pregnant?!  It's very normal for them to be curious.  My 6 year old twin sons are already somewhat curious; they want to know why me and my boyfriend cuddle in bed naked, and why they can't cuddle naked with me too, they want to know about tongue-kissing, 1 of my sons writes me letters when he's at daycare that read "I love you, will you be my girlfriend, will you marry me".

    You need to start answering their questions or else they will start getting answers from their friends.

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