
Are allergies getting worse because of imported plants?.?

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i have a theory that man has had thousands of years to become resistant to indiginous plants but in the last 200 yrs we have started to export and import plants from all around the world exposing us to pollen we are not resistant to could this be the reason allergies and asthma seem to be on the rise?. any experts out there who can make sense of my off the head theory , im a welder not a doctor and would be intrested in any thoughts.




  1. It's possible, since our body is engineered to create an antidote to any viruses, diseases, or airborne sicknesses that develop with us over the years. But when something new comes around, our body cannot identify this type of allergy and so, we suffer the same symptoms again and again, until we either find a cure or we finally live with it.

    Think about it however; when we were first born from the womb, were we suppose to be born with allergies? No. Our body was meant to be healthy and whole and even last up to 100 years or more. Allergies have come from man. Allergies don't magically pop up, it isn't natural. People say that allergies are "normal and everyone has it", but it's not normal and most people do not even have it or have never had it. People that live within the cities have had the most severe allergy symptoms, than those clear within city bounds.

    Not only is it our environment that is damaging our immune system, but the stuff we eat as well. The FDA allows synthetic and chemical ingredients to most of the food we eat. Over time, when we eat these types of food, we develop many types of diseases and allergies. Many people believe that these diseases "come from the air" or was "sent by God as a punishment" or "caught from another person". Nobody was meant to be sick from the start. Period. Our immune system is trying to keep up with us to counter the horrible environment and is working overtime and because of this, we live less and we feel pain more often.

    So yes, imported plants may be a likely theory as to why our allergies are getting worse, but I think we also need to look around our OWN environment and see what's wrong.

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