
Are allians real?

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are alllians real




  1. of course there must be some somewhere, however are they visiting earth? Not sure.

  2. Only if they make their selves available to view.

  3. Yeah, the Allians live down the street from me. Or is it the Allans?

    But no, even Bill Nye The Science Gut says E.T.'s aren't real.

  4. Yes they are, said my Jedi Master

  5. The only real aliens here are Mexican wetbacks. No one knows if any other life exists on other planets. No other life does in our own solar system, and the nearest star to us in over four light years away. Even that one is too far way from us for any creatures on its planets to come here.

  6. we are the aliens lol

  7. Hmm....well if you think about it, in all the universe there are so many places we havent seen or even heard of so the chances are that there is some other form of life because if theres is all that space and just us wouldnt it be a waste??

    = ]

  8. Well thibnk about it like this.

    Each star you see, is a sun, and has in the very least 5 planets orbiting

    So multiply 5 times every star you see, AND know that there are still an infanite amount that you don't see.

    And with all those numbers swirling around in your head.

    Tell me we are the only intellegant life form.

  9. Actually H1 your thinking is very narrow minded and uneducated. There are alot of known stars with planets orbiting them. Take a look at the link. But I think the better argument is if 1% of the stars that exist in this universe have planets it would still be in the 100's of billions. And if 1% of those planets could sustain some form of life it would still be in the billions. And if 1% of those planets could sustain intelligent life it would still be many many planets. So why not? You talk of amino acid blobs. Sure if they looked like us! But there are the possibiliteis of so many yet undiscovered things(chemicals, elements,etc.) in this universe it would be both childish and conceted to believe that we are the only living creatures in this complete infinite universe!!! Just because we cant see it or touch it or even imagine it doesnt make it fantasy!!

    @H1. I see you have ammended your previous statement and yes her statement was complete bullocks. All I was saying is that just because we cant see it with telescopes or prove it with science doesnt mean that the possibilities of extraterrestrial life doesnt exist. No matter how infintismal the possibilities might be. We're probably argueing different sides of the same coin. I apologize for snapping.

  10. yes i am       nanoo nanoo

  11. I have this theory- if we exist as 'human beings'- then the possibilities of anything else existing in this whole universe and beyond is endless- there is so much we don't know- and will never know or understand. Just the endless joys of life!

  12. If you mean ET aliens, they might live far away, but nobody can be sure. If they are real, they can't come to our world, because they're much too far away. No spaceships can ever travel fast enough for them to come here. Einstein showed that.

  13. it's not prooved but the universe is so big so maybe we're not alone....

  14. We have been looking for a long time now but it's like sending one research team to tell us about every planet in the universe, so the chances of us finding them (if they exist) are really low. Also we have no idea how they live. They may be intelligent life forms but realisticlay they won't walk around with 2 arms and legs living in houses and talking. They could be incredibly small or so massively huge that we don't notices them because we are too small to see them (imagine a fly on a human, it wouldn't know that it is on a human, just that it is on flesh). It is possible that we could be tiny creatures living on the shoulder of a giant, and the blackness of space it the space between the atoms of the giant. On the other hand, we could just be alone in the universe.

  15. i believe they exist, but i dont believe they have ever visited earth... it would take a billion light years to get to our nearest star, i think they are just too far away

  16. It only makes sense that they do.  There is no way that I can accept the idea of disgusting humans being the only self declared "intelligent" being in all the universes.

  17. no but aliens might be  (spelling)

  18. The ancients learned from aliens they were advanced humans who resided on the top of mountians away from the simple world when on our planet, flew flying vehicles around the deserts and had advanced technology.

  19. hi,there,s only one comment i;d like to make on this,if were the only intelligent life-form in this universe,god help us all,tom.

  20. @danksprite420 That's very ignorant, no known star has five or more planets (except our sun). And now consider this:

    - How likely is it a planet will form at all around a star (we only know of a few hundred, most of which are gaseous)?

    - How likely is it that the planet will be formed just the perfect 'Goldilocks' distance from the sun?

    - How likely is it that the atmosphere will contain the exact correct combination for life out of 90 or so naturally occurring elements?

    - How likely is it that there will be a blob of amino acids just ripe to start moving? This is something we've yet NEVER been able to replicate, even in optimum conditions with advanced technology, it is extremely unlikely (yet it occurred here on Earth)

    - How likely is it a specific species will evolve a high mental capacity before being wiped out by more aggressive species? (Evolution favours the strong. Intelligence is strength only in numbers or with luck.)

    All these things completely counteract your probability. I am open to a scientific look of the possibility of alien life, but as it stands, I just don't think it would happen more then once, twice if we're very very lucky.

    If I had to take a shot-in-the-dark guess I think those two probabilities cancelling out would make one of those freaky constants that make maths and physics so fun (and annoying) like pi or the gravitational constant.

    @skimmer I didn't say there were no extrasolar planets, in fact I mentioned there were hundreds. And I think you're mixing concrete science as it stands with imagination. We can all imagine the wonders out there, and trust me, I'm a sci-fi geek, I'd love to see a universe of creepy blue aliens and galactic markets and whatnot. What I said, is that at present science would seem to indicate that the development of life is extremely unlikely, and I said it in response to someone who assumed that there were five planets around each and every star, and that many of these are inhabited by intelligent life, which is bollocks, obviously.

    @skimmer I didn't amend it, my post remained unchanged except for my response to you. And don't worry about snapping mate, I think everyone has had at least one angry moment on Yahoo Answers, it seems to be a very hostile environment. :)

  21. Possibly, who knows, and they may even be in the form of bacteria? We humans don't even know what we are searching for.

    They may even be more intelligent than us, hence why they are never caught by us!
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