
Are alternative schools just for kids with problems?

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I have a problem in a sense, but not behavioral problems or a disability. I just don't fit in traditional schools and I get anxiety in classes and school. I also feel very nervous and stressed and I really hate to be surrounded by a lot of people. There is a lot more reasons why I want to go into a different school too.

And do alternative schools work like independent studies? Where you meet up with a teacher, take the work home, do it, and return in a few days to turn it in.

If not, how do they work?




  1. Alternative schools are an alternative to regular schools.  This means that they work differently from regular schools.  But there are so many different alternative schools, with different ideas behind them, that the answer will depend on the particular alternative school.

    Some are just for problem kids who are referred to them or are forced to go there.  Some are for kids who choose to go to them.

    There was one in our area that students had to apply to go to.  Many students who went there were in a lot of trouble at their own schools.  But some were not.  There were some students who chose to go to the alternative school because the classes were so much smaller than at a regular school and they could get a lot more personal attention.  Others chose to go their because of the programs that the school offered that they couldn't get at their regular school--a program for girls with babies, a program to help students who had failed a few classes and needed help to graduate, a program for those who had failed so many classes that they had no hope of graduating unless they went for a GED.

    The schools that I know of do not work like independent studies.  But there might be some that work like that.  You need to find out the names of the alternative schools in your area and call them and ask them about their specific programs.  It will take some time and effort to research them, but you may find one that works the way that you want it to.  Or you might find one that has a program that will work for you, even if it is different from what you are thinking of right now.

  2. Where I live, there are tons of alternative programs and most have nothing to do with special needs or with problems. So, it'll depend on what's available where you live. Most of the alternative programs where I live are not independent studies--they simply follow a particular type of program that isn't quite like a standard classroom. For example, one alternative program is a girls only, highly academic, program. The girls where uniforms. (No, this isn't a private school; it's part of the public school system.) IB is an alternative program. There are sports academies within the public schools. Lots more.

    Independent studies would be ONE type of alternative program. It may or may not exist where you live; talk to your school about it. An actual school set aside for just independent studies is not likely to exist.

    In terms of your stress and nervousness, these are problems that you should really address in some way, either by reading books and websites or seeking out a counsellor. It's not normal to have stress and nervousness all the time and although  homeschooling might alleviate it, it doesn't mean it'll cure it.

  3. you could try an online school. if in high school ask your disrict school about WOLF.

  4. Please listen minutely and seriously. And dont go to compare with other response whether it is best or worst answer to you.

    * The condition is mixed up with mentally returded and behavioral. Even you cant distinguish the perfect nature categorically.

    Go to a psychiatric specialist with parents and good relatives like uncle,sisters or brothers( They all would be good and cooperative here). Again a surrounding! Dont worry.

    Tell every bit of your experience, ambition, expectation,anxiety,sorrow, happiness, wrong, right choice, your dormant dream, your consciousness , your attitude to your parents and teachers or friends.Open your mind and let it burst relying upon the God, either laugh or cry for your victory.

    Please visit the psychiatric specialist once more if you need.

    At the end watch your parent, friend, families and listen do they say. Be admitted to general school. Your will be provided some special teachers with special care in the normal environment. Your fearness, uneasiness everything will be disappeared shortly. But never try to imitate other. You are special one like yourself like Gandhiji, SriRamkrishna, Mother Terresa or David Copperfield. A number of you are present among us. Some celebrity were like you when they were young.

  5. the majority of alternative schools are for studenst with behavioral problems-unfortunately they include both studenst like yourself and students who are acting act toward others-

    there are some special education classes/schools that may be suitable for someone classified as Other Health Impaired as you could be

    Generally alternative/special education schools are structured-I have not heard of self study-

    You can possibly qualify for home instruction (usually 2 hours a day).  I have even heard of studnenst going to school through the internet-the class and studnet would be connected live......

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