
Are american women more superficial than european women, visa versa,or is this question unanswerable?

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Are american women more superficial than european women, visa versa,or is this question unanswerable?




  1. For the most part, American women are more superficial then Euro women because of their culture and the values that come with it. American women are often more concerned about being considered successful, independent and beautiful. These are all nice things to be, but in America the degree to which these things are held in esteem leaves little room for anything else.  Also, although this does not necessarily go hand in hand with superficiality, if you are looking for genuine kindness, open-mindedness and lack of judgmentalness, you will be hard pressed to find these qualities in women of America.

  2. Europe is a pretty diverse place made up of many different cultures. Even a short trip there can put you someplace completely different culturally. So this question is to vague to get a true answer

  3. I think both American & European women can be superficial in different ways. I think Euro women are probably more natural than American women as a whole though.

  4. ALL are just as bad, pampered..

  5. This is so not answerable.

    Just My two cents.

  6. Do mannequins speak?

    Please do tell us what they said because like them you made us humans speechless right now.

  7. It's simple.

    America values material goods and money.

    Europe values culture and the mind.

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