
Are amphibians dangerous to pregnant women?

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Strange question...I know, but one of my daughters newts (like a salimander) died today and I had to get rid of him and clean the tank out so the other one had a clean home.

Is there any risk to me (24 weeks pregnant) for being in contact with the newts water, and handling the live newt? (ie e-coli ect).




  1. With amphibians and reptiles you need to be careful of salmonella.

    Just make sure to wash your hands after you handle them and you should be fine.

    Cleaning a cat's litter box has more risk for a pregnant woman than handling a reptile or amphibian.

  2. You'll be fine.  You do need to take care if there's a cat in the house.

    There is some danger from amphibians to children under the age of five.  Diseases to which children under age five are more susceptible.

    You might do a little research and find out how to minimize the risks for after you have the baby.

    Congratulations, by the way!

  3. Certainly touching a newt will risk contact with protozoans like salmonella, but washing your hands will do the trick. The reason why cats are dangerous is because of the bacteria from their f***s called Toxoplasma gondii. Normally, these parasites just stay in cells, dormant, but when something like pregnancy or AIDS challenges and weakens the immune system, they will start spreading, creating risks. Salmonella, however can be easily prevented by keeping the hands that touched the dead newt clean

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