
Are ancient counterfeit coins valuable? (counterfeited during ancient time)

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I want to buy a roman coin but it might be have been counterfeited during ancient it worth buying? It is worthless?




  1. i really don't know but my guess would be anything ancient would be valuble now, the real roman coin would probably be worth more than the conterfeit one though.

    good luck.

  2. A lot of Roman coins were counterfeited or more or less copied by others. Most of the imitations are of less quality and style. It is best when dealing with coins one knows little about, to go to a dealer who has a good reputation in that field of coins. U.S. coin dealers usually know little to nothing about ancients. Roman coin are not all that expensive and one can find nices ones from $10 to $20. I can not go further here for you did not state what Roman coin you want.

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