
Are anti-semites afraid?

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well, it looks like an iranian and a palestinian olympian refused to compete against israeli opponents.

now i know that arabs are used to getting beaten down by israel, but i would think that olympic atheletes wouldn't be so afraid.

so is it true that they are so afraid of israel and so sure they are going to lose to israel that they refuse to even compete?

sounds weak and wimpy to me.




  1. Paulina is right the palestinian was wimpy!!! lol

  2. That palastinian boy was WIMPY WIMPY WIMPY

  3. Yes he was afraid.  He was probably hyperventilating during an anxiety attack at just the thought of coming up against Israel in the Olympics so they used the anti-semitic excuse to cover up his fragility.

  4. The athletes themselves might not be afraid; they'd probably like to find out who wins!  But the tyrannical rulers are scared to death that Israel will win.  That would be like the end of the world!  I don't know why.  

    It shows a seriously distorted thought process.

  5. I don't think it was because they were afraid they'd be beaten.

    It was more of a statement. They were saying, "We are pig-headed racist idiots who have no respect for anyone. Three cheers for us!"

    Ok, maybe that's not exactly the message they wanted to get across, but it was a statement they were trying to make, albeit an ugly one.

    It reminds me of when Hitler refused to shake the hands of black athletes during the Berlin Olympics.

  6. Some Iranians are just scum.

    Cant believe they were allowed to continue.

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