
Are antibiotics safe while breastfeeding?

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I have been prescribed Roxithromycin by a hospital doctor (I went in the middle of the night in pain from a wisdom tooth, which I think is causing infection), but I am still breastfeeding my seven month old.

I am aware that this antibiotic is passed into the breastmilk, but can anyone tell me if they have had to take this and if so, did it have any harmful effects on the baby?

I don't know what to do because I am in pain but I don't think I trust the Doc, cause he also gave me some Panadeine, which contains codeine, and everyone tells me this is a no-no when breastfeeding.




  1. You're right to be concerned.  Codeine is quite a dangerous drug, even for adults.  Don't take the medicine with codeine.

    If you're worried about the antibiotics wait until you check with your regular doctor.  He might prescribe something different.  You should be able to do this just by calling since you've already been to the emergency room.  Most doctors have an off-hours number you can call.  If you can't get a hold of your regular doctor, you can also call your pediatrician if you have one for your baby.

    That said, most antibiotics are safe for babies, especially since the medicine will be filtered down quite a bit before it hits the milk.  The biggest danger is the baby or you developing a yeast infection, which is annoying, but not terribly dangerous.

  2. Not all are safe.. Its something you should speak to your doctor about.. If he knows that you are breast feeding he probably prescribed something that is safe enough if you follow the directions.

  3. I had strep while I was breastfeeding my daughter and was prescribed antibiotics. It does not hurt a child, but it did dry up my milk. Some of the side effects of the antibiotics can pass on to your child.

    The only potential side effect in infants whose mothers are breast-feeding and taking antibiotics such as penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and aminoglycosides are changes in their intestinal flora (bacteria that are normally present in the intestines). This may lead to loose stool and diarrhea in the infant, but these side effects are temporary.

  4. When in doubt i always go to  You can type in the name of the drug or choose from a drop down menu.  It gives you all the info on the drug, fda recommendations, research in fetus & breastfeeding while taking the drug.  It always helps me.

  5. No they will turn your milk into cheese.

  6. It seems safe.  Roxithromycin is derived from erthromycine

    "Because of the low levels of erythromycin in breastmilk and safe administration directly to infants, it is acceptable in nursing mothers. The small amounts in milk are unlikely to cause adverse effects in the infant.

    AAP Category:

    Usually compatible with breastfeeding.[6] "

    FTR, Codeine and acetaminophine (which is what make up panadeine) are also listed as usually compatible with breastfeeding.

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