
Are any Jews defecting from the Democratic Party?

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Eighty percent of Jews vote for Democrats in spite of the anti-Semitism of the far Left. Will Obama get 80 percent of the Jewish vote this year?





  1. Wrong forum, try politics

  2. And so do you actually believe that there are no anti-Semitic Republicans?  This makes me very sad.  I have a feeling that you are only thinking about Israel - which, of course, no American president will ever neglect or betray.  What makes you think that will happen now?  But you know what....I'm an American.  I care about Israel and what happens there but I care more about what happens in America.  Eight years of lying and deceiving; eight years of an assault on science; John McCain voted with George Bush over 90% of the time.  He's anti-choice and the next president will most likely get to choose 2-3 new Supreme Court justices.  John McCain's big plan for health care is a tax credit...a tax credit?  What good does that do when you can't afford the premiums to begin with?  I could go on but I won't because I believe your mind is made up.  You and I are different in that you are a Jewish-American and I am an American Jew.

  3. Still a strong Democratic Jew here. As for 80% of the vote, we'll see.

  4. Still a Democrat and a Jew.  BTW - the far right also has a lot of anti-Semitism; I've experienced it personally.

      I would have preferred Hillary, but I'll be voting Obama come November.

  5. You said the far left is anti-Semitic.  Are you crazy?  I live in one of the largest Jewish areas in the United States and they are strongly a part of the far left.

  6. Hmmm. Anti-Semites on the far left or actual n***s on the far right?

  7. What anti-Semitism?  What did I miss?  My father-in-law is Jewish and Democratic.  If there was anti-Semitism, I'm sure he would have heard about it.

    Do you have any links about it? I'd be curious to see what my husband says about it.  Thanks.

  8. Obama will get their votes if they are hoping for a change.

  9. I've never liked the left. Like my father, I've always voted Republican. The Democrat (shoot me in the foot if I ever add a -ic at the end of "Democrat") party tries to pretend it's not antisemitic behind the veil of liberalism - in the far right (I am very, very far right; in fact I best fit in the category of "radical, raving right-wing Zionist") it's overt. The people that don't like you because you're a Jew, tell you to your FACE that they don't like you. The Democrats will say that they DO like you, they just don't "agree" with all of, ah, Israel's "policies." Yeah, okay.

    In the US, I am a Jewish American. "Jewish" describes what kind of American I am - the fact that I'm American doesn't describe my Jewishness. The people least likely to turn on Jews are other Jews. Unfortunately, that's not something many have realized. That's why so many Jews vote to the left.

  10. Most Orthodox Jews are Republicans.

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