
Are any Starbucks closing near you?

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Are any Starbucks closing near you?




  1. North Carolina reporting:

    Closings in Chapel Hill near UNC, Raleigh

    Starbucks is closing 600 stores or 19% of their franchises, laying off 1200 workers.

    Check out the website

  2. There are like 20 closing in Orange County, CA, but none of the ones I ever go to.

  3. Yes, Im in Oklahoma...with $4 gas paying $5 for coffee is tough to do.

  4. well one is closing near me.but there are about five others to choose from that are still open.

  5. Yes but there's a starbucks across the street from the one closing.

  6. There is none closing in North Charleston, SC. If anything, we just got a couple of new ones in the area. Sorry to hear that yours are closing.

  7. There are 600+ closures all around US. Depending what "near" means to you, I answer your question with YES. And if this time I am wrong, at the next closure updated list, the answer will match ...

  8. nope but i read about 600 closing

  9. 1 in downtown Walnut Creek

    1 in downtown Berkeley


  10. The news last night said a bunch of them were closing in the Dallas area, but I don't know (or care) which ones......

  11. At El Paso, TX there have been a few. Only 2 or 3, but yeah. =(

  12. I believe that I heard that they are closing 6 total in MA but none in Boston so the ones near me are staying open - YEA - I live near 3 major hospitals, BU and BC, as well as several other small Liberal Arts Colleges so they all get a lot of business.  I forget where they are closing them though.


  13. None in the Charleston, SC area are going to close.  I don't think there are really that many in S.C. that are closing.

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