
Are any amish people less set in all of the old ways? ?

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are there different degrees of being old fashion? i agree with their ideas on living; no cars, tvs, computers (haha), and the simple life, but not necessarily on all their religious beliefs, and i might would like a little use of electricity for very basic stuff. anyone know of some books or recources i can get more info?




  1. They are essentially, for the most part, completely shut off from the outside world except when they need rations (or go on a day-trip, I saw some at a zoo).

    You don't need a book to live like the amish, minus the religion. Just don't use electricity or any modern inventions. I don't think they can even have zippers on clothes, but that I'm unsure of.

  2. The Amish are part of the Anabaptist tradition who believes in adult baptism.  They say (rightly so) that a person makes a informed choice if they want to join the Amish (plain) people's church.  

    The Hutterites are also from the Anabaptist tradition who also believe in adult baptism.  They usually are members of a colony.  Where there is a certain amount of land purchased by 1, 2 or 3 families and they raise pigs, cattle and grow foods and animal feed.  They use automated farm equipment and say they cannot figure out how the Amish can manage with horses and plows,  Typically Amish farms in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and New York are smaller tracts of land and they have large families to help. In Montana where I met many Hutterites, their land can be thousands of acres..

    The Amish and Hutterites are very Interesting but from my experience the media likes to portray them as saintly which not  all of them are.  In rural Ohio, the young unmarried men that want to party  sneak away from the farm, change into non-Amish garb and have alcohol and they call it "going Yank".  Look up Anabaptist's and they the sub-categories of Hutter and Aman.

    Some Amish and Hutterites are not very nice to their animals.

  3. Every Amish group differs in what technologies they will allow. Some of them even drive cars - but the cars can only be black and the radio needs to be removed. Many Amish do use a little electricity for basic things such as charging batteries for the safety lights on buggies (required in some states), and charging cell phones.

    Most Amish won't get electricity from utility companies just because they are trying to remain as independent as possible.

    Check out the cool video at the link below.

  4. Yes, there are Amish people who are "less set in their ways".

    There are Amish-Mennonites who embrace technology but hold tight to their Anabaptist beliefs.To read more about them go to:

    The rest of the Amish are more conservative regarding electricity and son on, but each church differs slightly in its rules.Most use lamp oil or gas to lit their lamps.Their fridges and cookers use gas or are liked to a small wind turbine or a 12 volt battery.Some churches permit modern milking equipment which comes from a battery.

    take it from your answer that you would like to live a simple life, one that is inspired by the Amish, but not by their religion, so if I were you I'd approach an Amish man and ask him if you can gets some advice from him.

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