
Are any colon cleansings really good for you?

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Are they for a bunch of "poo lovers"?

or is it merely a placebo effect?

could it actually be harmful to one's health?

If yes to any of the above, why then--why is it that they say it's been a practice for "thousands of years for good health?"




  1. Colon cleansings are very healthy for you.  At the risk of sounding kind of gross, think of your colon like that draino commercial where you see that open cross section of a clogged drain.  Stuff piles up in there and clogs up your pipes too.  The gross part is that is all rotting, undigested food.  Here is a good example of someone famous who never had one...When John Wayne was autopsied they found 35 pounds of undigested meat in his colon.  When you have your colon cleaned it eliminates alot of that stuff making you feel less bloated and removing alot of that undigested food that cling on.  In other words it removes those blockages in the pipe.  It isn't the most pleasant thing in the world but it probalby isnt as bad as you think.  Its a little uncomfortable at the most.  But the health benefits are immeasurable.

  2. Colon cleansers are bad news, why trust someone else to detox you when with a little self control you can have vibrant health and energy via a method that is older than the fad of colon cleansing, and is lastingly effective.

    It is known as fasting.

    A simple one day fast occasionally , drinking only water, will give your body a rest and keep you well and healthy.  

  3. Placebo effect.

    Read what actual doctors have to say about it. I know Dr. Drew Pinsky (Love Line, MTV etc) is adamantly against it saying it does nothing.

    I you were to ever get a colonoscopy done they basically do the same thing, except they use laxatives instead of a bucket of water and a vacuum.

    Don't waste your money.

  4. In My experience, Abductees who cleanse, are much freer of waste build-up than those who dont. And that makes MY job much more pleasant, believe me.  

  5. These people are ill-informed.  And, I'm sorry....."poo lovers'?  What the h**l is a "poo lover"?  IF you are serious about this, then yes, colon cleansing is very good for the body and the GI tract.  It's the preparation procedure for a colonoscopy.  There are several over-the-counter products sold, so you need to look into what is best for you.

    The reason why it's good for the body is because of the c**p that people ingest on a regular daily basis.  Foods that do not exit the digestive system easily and become stuck in the colon and are not excreted during normal bowel movements.  Cleansing the colon is extremely healthy for a person to do,but it's not something most people feel comfortable talking about.  As to the benefits, for example, it's a known fact that when Elvis Presley died, they found like 40 lbs of dried fecal matter in his colon.  You know when you see dried dog p**p on a lawn that has turned white?  That's what they found inside him - dried fecal matter.  Look it up, it's true.  Same thing with John Wayne.  Procedures like the one you're asking about may have eliminated those findings.  You can do some research on this for yourself - it's interesting information.  

  6. nah, their just full of ...........

  7. Imagine finding dried p**p in the colon of a dead man!


    Look, that hole is exit only, don't go putting things up there unless your doctor says to.

    Those people who say colon douching made them "feel better" were never sick in the first place!

    There are plenty of things that are "common knowledge" that are simply wrong. Even if something has been done for thousands of years that doesn't make it right.

  8. hey

  9. You have good bacteria in your colon that are there to keep your colon cells or 'colonocytes' healthy. These bacteria feed on dietary fiber. They use the fiber to make food for your colonocytes. You colon is not like a pipe. It is like a sock. It is soft. Things don't really get stuck at the edges, they form a ball that is moved along.

    So if you rinse out all of your colon, you will rinse out your good bacteria too. Then, new bacteria will colonize. Some will be good, some will be bad. You could upset the delicate balance of bacteria that live in your colon.

    Normally its hard for bad bacteria to move in, as all the room in your colon is already taken up with bacteria. But when you do a colon cleanse, its a free for all. Bad bacteria can move in.

    A colon cleanse will make you feel better. Its like having a big poo, it can be a relief. But just because it feels good doesn't mean it IS good.

    Consuming a high fiber diet is the best thing for a healthy colon. Fiber bulks out poo and makes it soft, and easier to pass. It will move quicker through you colon too, so you wont end up constipated like John Wayne and Elvis. These guys would have benifited from a high fiber diet. If you have bits of food getting stuck in you colon all the time a colon cleanse is only treating the symptom, like a bandaid. Low fiber diet is the cause. So treat the cause, not the symptom.

    Plus fiber is food for the bacteria that feed your colonocytes.

    It may make you gassy at first, but this will pass. Anyway, your gas wont really smell as much, as your food will move through quicker, so it wont ferment as much. So it smells less, if at all.

    You colon is not like a pipe. It is like a sock. It is soft. Things don't really get stuck at the edges, they form a ball that is moved along. Imagine putting playdough in it and squeezing it along. Your colon keeps squeezing until the ball moves. If your diet is low in fiber, the ball will be small and hard, and it takes a long time to move. High fiber diets the ball is soft and easy to move.

    There have been may things that have been done for thousands of years. But remember, thousands of years ago, we did not have the anatomical knowledge we have now. Thousands of years ago the average life span was much lower, and people died of infectious diseases at young ages because medical knowledge was not good. They would not have even known what bacteria or a colon was.

    You need to drink enough water for fiber to work, though. So go with high fiber and water. It is much better than any colon cleanse.

  10. I've tried colon cleansing before and it seemed to help me.  But of course many "alternative medicines" and "alternative therapies" these days cause skepticism.

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