
Are any conservatives besides me getting a little put off by McCain?

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His economic policy is unrealistic. I beleive in low taxes for long term growth in the absence of a huge expense, but in a war situation don't you need to have immediate money so the economy doesn't crash? I'm almost ready to change my vote purely because of the economy. any thoughts or intellectual musings?




  1. i am having doubts about him also, but remember we dont have very good choices. he is much better than obama or hillary! they will crash our economy. just really hope that either of them dont get in or else we are all in for it.  

  2. Now you're thinking!  ;-)

    Lest we forget that the collapse of the Soviet Union ocurred largely because of their military spending.

  3. All conservatives put me off.  

  4. I kind of answered this question in your previous question:;...

    But I agree with the first answer: most neo cons put me off. And, McCain has become a neo-con.  BTW, Obama isn't proposing socialism.  There isn't a socialist in the Democratic party.  There is one in office named Bernie Sanders but he isn't a Democrat, he's an independent.  I find it really funny that Obama has done alot to promote business to help poor neighborhoods and people then turn around and think he's a socialist. He also wants to help new businesses to help create new jobs in a Green economy.  My god what that would do for the economy is enormous. He's for free trade but with responsibility to workers and to the environment which is smart.  He wants to close loopholes on businesses who ship their stuff overseas to be made and then have it shipped back to the U.S for nothing which he wants to cease.  He's nothing close to being a socialist.  He's pretty much middle of the road. This country is broke and McCain will make it worse.

    BTW, having a balanced budget and cutting spending hasn't been done by a conservative president since Eisenhower.  Reagan had a huge budget deficit and rising national debt as a result.  He was another borrow and spend president in a big big way.  For all of Carters faults, he at least had a balanced budget and kept the overall debt down.  So did Clinton.  You can't say that about any GOP president since Eisenhower and that's a fact.

  5. You hit the nail right on the head and it is weird how so few see this fact. Sad really.

  6. Far be it from me to try and influence anyones vote ....but....if it ain't broke don't fix it , but if it IS broke...fix it.

    At -10.5 trillion...we are officially broke.

  7. It's all just a political stunt to get votes.

    Watch and he won't lower a single tax (except for his oil buddies).

  8. You along with many other conservatives are put off with not only McCain's economic stance, but his plans for taxation, military, and his short temper to rush to war. Its sad as to what Bush as leader of the Republican Party has done to its reputation and future.  

  9. Socialism won't help the economy buddy, and thats what Obama is proposing,,,, You think McCain's economic policies are questionable take a look at what Barack is going to do with your money!!! Besides just pray for a McCain Romeny ticket and I promise all of your economic worries will just melt away!!!!

  10. Yes, I really hoped McCain wouldnt win the nomination. Ive always thought he was far too leftist, and you are exactly right about the taxes. But I think we can agree he is better on his worst day than Obama on his best.

  11. people like yourself put me off. you should vote for obama, he kinda flip flops around too. up you creek huh?

  12. Agreed.  A fiscal conservative is supposed to mean that you are for a balanced budget, whether that means increasing taxes (not to start more useless spending programs) or cutting them to boost the economy.  So far no conservative has been able to cut taxes along with spending.  Why should we believe McCain?

  13. The birth control thing is concerning.  I don't want upteen children and the way the economy is going, I wouldn't be alble to afford them!

  14. My heads down in shame.  Looking for Barr, and wish I could vote Paul..

  15. I am not going to vote for him.  He is a democrat in Republican coverings.  I have no use for him politically.  I admire who and what he has done as a person and a soldier.  But his politics are far to left.

  16. OMG. somebody from the other side is finally understanding what we've been saying.

  17. gasp. a man who thinks rather than spouting latest party line.  running for president?  i recall a day when conservatism meant conservative spending and a balanced budget.  lower taxes were the payoff for less spending.  these days too many conservatives seem to be for lower taxes, but don't seem to recall one must spend less if one has less income. when, where, and why did this disconnect come about?  it's always a great vote getter to talk about lowering taxes, but if you don't also lower spending (hard to do, as you note, in wartime) you are endangering the economy short term and creating disaster for the future.  already we are borrowing far too much money from foreign investors.  how is it bad to import oil, but good to "import" foreign money?  it also seems to me that even in war time we could be far more frugal with tax dollars.  it seems to me that we need another truman commission to examine the war contracts and make sure we are getting what we pay for..and that we are paying for what we need. even the govt accounting office audits are showing major problems and the gao is hardly known for its vigorous watchdog practices.      there are many things that trouble me about mccain 2008.  he seems a lot less in control and a lot more befuddled this election cycle.  not up for the demands of the campaign...or the presidency.  

  18. A genuine conservative would have questioned the motives for the Iraq war, how long we’d be there, its cost, the degree of strain on the troops and the degree of impact on the Iraqi people. They have amassed a debt that they can never repay and will put the burden on the unborn.

  19. No, I'm not interested in his financial position. I am interested in what he is going to do for this country, I don't care about his divorce, I don't care about innuendos about his encampment in the Hanoi Hilton. He is an intelligent, dedicated man. One divorce certainly doesn't make him a loser, it takes two to untango, he supported his children, adopted another, and raised a patriotic, devoted family. What more can you ask of a man.

  20. HA! Yeah, because a vote for Obama will answer your concerns. McCain isn't a true conservative, he's more moderate, but he's a d**n sight nicer than Obama (scary).

  21. Enjoy voting for a pandering puppet and his plagiarizing sidekick.

  22. A conservative that understands the need for taxes?

    *Faints dead away*

    You are correct.

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