
Are any dog breeds happy outside?

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I live in a farmhouse with an acre of land surrounding my the house. We have farmcats to keep away the mice but they are well-loved family pets and they are very happy as they live in an insulated "shed" with all that they need.

My children would love a dog but my mother is allergic so that would mean she couldn't visit. Are there any dogs that we could live outside in another shed-type house?

Please, no rude answers.

Thanks in advance :)




  1. Big dogs live outside, small dogs live inside, according to the Dog Whisperer.  

  2. Sure, there are lots of dog breeds that live happily outdoors.  With the proper housing and plenty of attention, most dog breeds can be kept in outdoor kennels.  

    Some breeds that spring to my mind are:

    German shepherds

    Labrador retrievers

    Bernese Mountain dogs


    And darn...  those big white dogs that guard sheep...

  3. We have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The only place she wants to be is outside. She is very social, loves to play fetch, adores swimming (naturally). She is good with people, like children, and is a great watch dog. I would bring her in on occasion during really cold weather thinking she would like it. She wanted out after 10 minutes. Her coat is such an insulator, she could not tolerate being in a heated environment. In the summer, she takes very frequent dips in the pond outback.  

  4. I have a gsd. an rotty.

    An they love being outside playing an love there shed house too,

    I find theyd rather be outside to bark an chase things an rarly begg to com in at all.

    But they do need to be let in sometime.

    Im sure your kidds would love it my 2 yr old sisster loves my gsd coco <3.



    Draucla needs to be repotred itsnot an answer stupidd.

  5. Get a hypoallergenic dog. Here's a list of hypoallergenic dog breeds:

    Personally I am impressed with the Chacy Ranior (Shichon). This breed was developed by Dawn Littlefield of Oktaha, OK and is very good for people who have special needs or are allergic to dog dander.


  6. Chow chow, labs, German Shepard, airedale, Schnauzer, dalmatian, boxer, mastiff(s), rottweilers, bull terriers (not stafford nor american), doberman.

    greyhounds, afghans and kieshund are supposedly no dander dogs or a hypoallergenic dog.

    But check with your dermatologist or vet for specific breeds.

  7. most breed of dogs will live outside in a kennel.

    you shound got a jackressul there keep mice and rats away.

    i have 3 dogs and there spent most of the day in a kennel

  8. No dog would choose being locked in the house if it had the chance to live outside. Bigger breeds need more space and definetely prefer open spaces. Given the fact that you have  a farm you should consider a german shephard. They are great with children, awesome guarddogs and don`t mind bad weather. But as i said any kind of dog would do just fine as long as you provide a good shelter from rain and sun. I certainly hope you find the best dog that suits your family and bring home a good friend as soon as possible.  

  9. Most dogs want to be with the family, but I have had husky mixes they prefer to be outside. A dog with a thick coat for cold weather helps. But you MUST be sure to give the dog plenty of people interaction or it can become aggressive or territorial. No dog wants to be alone. They are pack animals. So be sure you think of the dogs needs before yours, if you get one. There are non allergic dogs too. Poodles are one of them. Please research dogs and behavior and non allergic to help make the correct decision. Good Luck!

  10. most breed will be fine manly big dog as long as you put them outside from the start the first week or so it might cry but it will get yous to it.  

  11. Dogs that are husky types, Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Greenland Dogs, Eskimo Dogs.

    Also Samoyeds, Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog). But keep a blanket or something for the dog to sleep on.

  12. If you let the dog in the house sometimes there cold still be residue(dander) from the dog that would bother you mother even if you put the dog out.You'd be better off getting a breed considered non allergenic:

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