
Are any girls like this out there? I hope so. ?

by Guest62923  |  earlier

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she nice and easy to talk too

she down to earth and kind to every one.

she is funny and laughs at thing and not me.

has a job

sings like no ones watching

very approachable

bubbly at times

likes cars and work on them this is a + if she does or wants to learn.

seeing her puts me in a better mood :) she make me smile

smart and open minded

tells you what on her mind

like to be one of the guys

drinks ,but does get crazy drunk and party's.

BTW she cute




  1. well im shy but open up to when i get to know the person

    well i think im down to earth

    some ppl say im funny

    i have a job

    i sing on the bus the other day

    i think im approachable

    dunnno what bubbly means but im clutz

    i ride a dirt bike

    im smart

    i have a lot of guy friends

    oh i dont drink cause im under age

    im CUTE

  2. I'm sure there are girls that are some of those certain qualities, but not everyone's perfect and can fit your description, their never will be.

  3. you cant stereotype girls

    we are not like property or items

    we are people

  4. WHOA

    You like described me




  5. CREEPY! Thats totally me!!

  6. THATS ME OMG LOL  Especially the drinking lol

    OO yea u forgot about hot : ) lol!  

  7. there are plenty of girls out there like that.

    you just gotta keep searching and have faith. :]

    3/4 of that sounds like me, but i don't drink.  

  8. well i have lots of things in this list

  9. Yup, that's exactly me! WOAH =)

  10. im like that except i dont drink, wouldnt want to work with cars but wouldnt mind it though

  11. lol ur asking 4 alot ha?

    every1s got there own personalities,

    u gotta except them 4 the way they r, u cant b 2 chhosy, ohhhh, sorri, 4got, girlz like me r hard 2 find. im all that n more :) we truly r a hard kind 2 find

  12. Yes, you need to look around in Texas

  13. Awww you seem like you lost hope =(

    Comeon...of course there are girls like that out there. There are a lot of fish out there, you just have to remain patient and find the right one. Dont get overwhelmed with emotion and lust and just pick a chick because she digs you too. But look for all these qualities and then date =)

    It'll make you happier and return satisfy the girl too!

  14. well i'm a guy and i still looking for the right girl i can't find her now it fells like I'm running around in desert  

  15. Well that's basically me lol.. Except I don't work on cars.. If you teach me I would but yeah.. Oh and I don't drink.. I party, but I don't drink.. All of it tastes gross to me.

  16. You've obviously never been to Kentucky lol. Almost every girl here is like that.

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