
Are any immunization shots required or advised to go to Lima Peru?

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  1. it is best to get them but most importantly take your hepatitis b vaccine shots before you go.  that will prevent you from getting deathly ill from drinking the ice water and if you cut your foot.

    You can get the hepatitis B vaccine.

    A vaccine is a drug that you take when you are healthy that keeps you from getting sick. Vaccines teach your body to attack certain viruses, like the hepatitis B virus.

    The hepatitis B vaccine is given through three shots. All babies should get the vaccine. Infants get the first shot within 12 hours after birth. They get the second shot at age 1 to 2 months and the third shot between ages 6 and 18 months.

    Older children and adults can get the vaccine, too. They get three shots over 6 months. Children who have not had the vaccine should get it.

    You need all of the shots to be protected. If you are traveling to other countries, make sure you get all the shots before you go. If you miss a shot, call your doctor or clinic right away to set up a new appointment.

  2. Noreen is right that you should get the Hepatitis B shot, but that version of hepatitis is the kind that you get from bodily fluids, not from eating food.  You'd be better advised to get the Hepatitis A shot.

    It's kind of gross, but Hep. A. comes from eating food which has been tainted by the fecal matter of an infected person.  This can happen by eating fruit that's been peeled by another, etc.  Use your imagination.  You probably wouldn't get it from drinking the water.  That's cholera and dissentary, but don't get all freaked out.  I've been to Peru dozens of times and haven't ever gotten seriously ill.

    Tetanus is a good idea too, in case you cut yourself.

    Yellow fever is nice to get, but is not prevalent in Lima.  

    Measles, Polio, Varicela (chicken pox, if you haven't had it as a kid).

    There's no harm in overdoing the vaccinations, but Lima city is pretty urban and aside from sanitation issues, the risk of infection there is not much greater than it would be in any U.S. or European city.

  3. If you're going to the jungle you need the yellow fever vaccine. Hepatits vaccine is not required but recommended, especially if you are eating of the street vendors (not recommended). If you are going to Lima or the higlands, no vaccine is required by law.

  4. See site elow for CDC recommendations.

  5. Yes, it is important to protect yourself. Go to see a Health Nurse in the Health Dept of your town and she will advise you correctly.

    I had to take  Hepatitis A & B in a combo form called "Twin-Rix"

    It is good for life! Take it once and you won't need to take it ever again. I also took these vaccines: Typhoid, Td (tetanus and diptheria). I cannot remember if I took immunization shots for rabies. But certain areas, I saw a lot of stray dogs. Don't pet any animal. They might be carrying rabies germs!

    You can also go to  for updated information and advice on immunizations.

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