
Are any oceanic species mutated/created due to Global Warming?

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I'm doing a project on Global Warming's effects on the ocean, and am wondering if you know of any species that have been mutated or created by global warming. Of course, they must live in the ocean (which narrows it down sorta...) so don't but any air/land living creatures/plants.




  1. they dont exactly mutate... there dying. you can't mutate animals from heating up the water. but polution maybe.

  2. Godzilla is the product of global warming.

  3. There were some white people whose skin have turned to like leather! But it could be that they never use sun block and spend all their time on the beach!

  4. There are creatures in the seas whose migration patterns and breeding grounds are being displaced by global warming, but I do not believe that there are any new species that have been created by climate change. Of course, we all must adapt...but evolution takes more than just the span of our lifetime.

  5. What have U Sean to make U thank that Global Warming is Real.???

  6. The answer is almost certainly no.  The ocean is extremely vast with areas of cold water and warm water.  If the water warms in one vicinity, creatures that adapted to the warm water will migrate to it.  Certain animals like corrals are adapted to particular temperature ranges.  If the water warms in a particular area beyond the tolerance of the corral, they will probably die. Generally they lose their algae and become bleached.

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