
Are any of my fellow Jr. fans getting a little worried?

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I know he had a frustrating night, with jumping the start. But I was really more concerned with the big breakdown between he and Tony Jr. They were at each other all night as usual on the scanner, but it got as bad as I have heard it in a while late in the race. With like fifty laps to go Jr. said to Tony " Just be quiet, your F-ing time for giving me advice today has already passed. " To which Tony Jr. replied " that sounds just fine by me." I don't like the mood that they find their selves in heading into the chase.




  1. Time to cut the family ties. In this case family ties are not the ties that bind.  Both of them would maybe be better off with someone else. Then they can be friends again.  

  2. I laugh at Jr. fans and their love of Jr. It's simple. The man is not who you think he is. He is an average driver in a better organization. It could be that or his crew chief. I heard their cousins. Or it could be both.. Why do you support him so much?

  3. I have heard it was bad but not like this.

    Dale Jr. should really consider dumping him.

    Fighting with one's crew chief is not what I would call a winning strategy.

  4. I just hope they can pull it together for the chase...   I'm not sure who makes all the decisions on that team,  but something needs to change.    Way too many races with really bad pit calls and adjustments!!

  5. I just don't think those two work well together anymore. Too much bickering, and the car is always so far off by the end of the race Jr. can't even drive it any more. I am not saying it is Tony Eury's fault. I think he and Jr. spend so much time bickering, and Jr. complaining about his car, that they overdo the modifications. I think they talk to eachother that way because they are related and somehow feel it is okay then.  

  6. Like J M, I feel really bad for Tony Eury Jr because he is the scapegoat for Jr Nation everytime Jr loses. They always blame him because they don't want to blame Dale Jr. (Good answer J M and Kristen)

  7. I've heard them get very mad before on the scanner, and that was a race that jr. finshed 2nd

  8. I think the problem here is that FAMILY shouldn't be a driver/crew chief combination. Not dissing Tony Jr. but I think that Dale Jr. should have a non-family member as his crew chief. I would hope that Dale Jr. wouldn't talk like that to some other crew chief. I hope it was just cuz that was his cousin, and I'm sure Tony Jr. hears it all the time and just ignores his little comments. Could you see Dale Jr. telling Chad Knaus or Steve Lartarte  "Just be quiet, your F-ing time for giving me advice today has already passed."

    Unless Jr. thinks that since his last name is Earnhardt, he can say and do whatever the h**l he pleases.

    I'm kinda starting to think that Dale Jr. doesn't care for anybody else but HIMSELF. Idk.....

  9. I'm an Edwards fan first, but I find myself liking Jr more and more.  He made a boneheaded mistake, but I think the team will be fine.  They don't like to lose, they're competitive, but they're also professionals.  They'll shrug the differences off no problem I think.  Besides, they're family!  Quick flareups, quick forgiveness, or so I hope.

  10. I'm one of Tony Eury's biggest supporters, I think he's a better crew chief than he's given credit for.

    But this non stop bickering that goes on between the two of them is debilitating any chances at all of either of them being successful.

    Honestly, I think it would be in the best interest of both parties if they cut professional ties.

  11. The JRS have always fought like that. That's why they split them up a few years ago for a season but that didn't work either. I don't know, if they can't get along or win maybe it is time for them to go their separate ways. It would be sad though because they are like brothers. I hope they have a better year next year. I just don't think this is the year.

  12. whoa, he said that? Sounds pissed to me.

    Eury takes too much of Junior's bullcrap, but Eury also gives Junior too much bullcrap what with cars and strategies. They're in trouble, because Eury isn't a very good crew cheif. At the same time, no one else would click with Jr. as good as Eury.

    I hope they can get themselves out of this hole before Richmond because the way Jr.'s performance has been is like the 2007 Dale Jr.

  13. It's not the equipment causing Jr to do bad. He proved that by doing so awesome early in the year. Now he's left behind on the afterburner. He doesn't seem to have the endurance. I was worried early in the season when he was doing good now I'm not though.

    Jr needs to get his ego in line I can't believe someone so humble and loving would say something like that. My heart goes out to Tony Eury for having to put up with the whining. And people say Stewart and Busch are bad.

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