
Are any of the current European royal houses descended from Mohammed?

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I have heard that one of Mohamed's descendants married into the Spanish royal family during the early years of Islamic rule in Spain and Europe. It makes sense that this line is intermarried with the other European royal houses. Does anyone know of this?




  1. First of all, take this feature story (found in the attached link) with a grain of salt since it stretches way back to "once upon a time", most specifically to the 6th century CE.

    According to one genealogist, "Muhammad, the founder of Islam, appears on every person's genealogical tree", or at any rate as an ancestor to actress Brooke Shields.

    Thus, if one believes the genealogical hype of the Spanish Moors, Muhammad's daughter Fatima's 10th great-grandson reputedly became the Imam of Seville and the founder of the Abbadid dynasty.  The last emir of this dynasty had a daughter named Zaida, who upon conversion to Christianity, took the name Isabella and married Alfonso VI, King of Castile and Leon. Here it gets a little murky, but let's presume that this Isabella is the probable distant ancestor of the Queen Isabella of Christopher Columbus fame.  Her daughter, Juana, married a Hapsburg, and the Hapsburgs, in turn, married into the Medici and Bourbon dynasties.

    Now for a few caveats: 1) European dynasties are pretty accurately traced---for the last 6th to 8th centuries only;  2) statistically speaking, everyone on earth is no more distant than a 50th cousin to everyone else on earth.  What's more, every Western European is probably a descendant of Charlemagne, and a very high proportion of English men and women are descendants of Edward III.

  2. The person in the world with the longest traceable ancestry, identifying every step along the way, is Prince William. His ancestry can be traced back to the 10th and possibly the 9th century. No-one else comes close. Mohammed died in 632CE. While there are many claims of direct descendents, none are verifiable.

  3. i just know that queen elizabeth blushes when she sees tall, dark and handsome muslim men like bin laden. not sure what it means.

  4. No one with common sense is descended from Mohammed.

  5. Ancestral lineage going THAT far back is just speculation.

    It's impossible to tell who is descended from people so long ago, as records get lost, damaged, and destroyed.

  6. what a stupid question, of course not!!!

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