
Are any of the mainstream solutions proposed for inner-city violence and drug use actually working?

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From what I see, mayors and city councilmen in most cities that are plagued with high levels of violence, gangs, and drug problems, are proposing solutions that are not working. More aggressive investigation, larger police forces, and tougher penalties for these street criminals would make sense if there wasn't someone else waiting to take the place of the guy who just got arrested for selling crack and illegal gun possession.

I know many people think it is an absolute necessity that we not be soft on criminals in our society, but I'd like to know if tougher law enforcement alone is really the solution when it results in a larger number of criminals arrested, but doesn't really decrease criminal activity.




  1. good point but what is the answer... something dealing with the economy?

  2. No, I don't think any of the solutions that any of our cities is using to "solve" these problems is working.  On the other hand, all of those ideas, while they may seem aimed at decreasing crime in our society, are really not.  That is the real root of the problem: the legislators (people who make laws) can't keep people from wanting to "get rich or die trying."  The mayors (leaders of people who enact and enforce the laws that get made) can only propose 'solutions' that treat the symptoms, not the disease.  In this case the disease is greed, how do you cure (as opposed to treat) greed on a societal level?  Let's work on that one. . .

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